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Patsy and Doug Arnold, founders of Texas Special Kids, discuss how to bring your special needs children home, the challenges of homeschooling a special needs child and the rewards and resources available to help parents.
From another report about poisoned toys coming from China: "Customs and Border Protection officers assigned to the Port Everglades Trade Enforcement Team seized over 3,500 toys in two separate merchandise seizures entering Port Everglades from China, the agency said on Friday..." "The federal officers also made another seizure at Port Everglades involving 1,440 toy soldiers also coming from China. Officials from the Consumer Product Safety Commission tested the toys and determined that these toy soldiers contained excessive lead in the paint and were in violation of the lead paint ban as they posed lead poisoning hazard." If you home school like we do, you are shielded from the peer driven and media driven demand for this plastic stuff.  Sure, we would like to have some of this otherwise neat stuff... but our love for the Chinese people who suffer under communism far outweighs our desire to amuse ourselves. While most Americans have probably forgotten the Chinese toys of death scare from 2007... below is a repost that explains my sentiments: Chinese "Date Rape" Beads of Death The Herald Tribune is reporting that "Aqua Dots" Chinese-made children's toys contain the 'date rape' drug. Scientists say a chemical coating on the beads, when ingested, metabolizes into the so-called date rape drug gamma hydroxy butyrate. When eaten, the compound — made from common and easily available ingredients — can induce unconsciousness, seizures, drowsiness, coma and death. Could this Chinese toy thing get any stranger?  Lead, asbestos, gamma hydroxy butyrate... could they try any harder to make this look like a sinister communist plot to kill American children? We have long boycotted Chinese made products -- yes, it is possible.  It takes more time shopping and sometimes we go home empty handed.  But, like most Americans, who needs more stuff?  As someone who loves toys, those three little words - Made in China - sure help us save a lot of money.  Try it; just put the stuff back on the shelf. Our little family is like a chorus going through a toy store: "Made in China", "Made in China", "Made in China".  I believe those are the first words most of our children learned to read -- dad's homeschool of consumer awareness.  Our little boycott started, not because of consumer safety reasons, but because the communists represent real evil in this world.  Christians are persecuted in China.  Political freedom is suppressed.  Individual expression is punished.  Information is controlled by the state.  Every industry profits from slave labor (through forced labor of political prisoners in energy and mining).  And, women are forced to have abortions. Also, a portion of every dollar that goes to China gets invested into the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army), China's military, which is engaged in a great strategic expansion in anticipation of the coming conflict with the United States.  Historically, China views the United States as an enemy.  All of their military build-up is targeted at countering the United States -- anti-satellite weapons to target our communications, blue water navy and submarines to counter our aircraft carriers, hacking to disrupt our information infrastructure, anti-surface missiles to counter our navy, short and medium range missiles to target Taiwan and US bases in Asia, ICBM's to target American cities. Please pray that this coming conflict does not come to pass.  Pray that the communist government of China would be destroyed and freedom would come to the Chinese people.  Too long have they suffered under the suppression of totalitarian government (at key historical points reinforced by western powers).  The Unknown Rebel In 1989 brave individuals stood up for political reform in China, the result was death and prison for thousands.  The west largely ignored these tyrannical acts and expanded trade relations with China.  Trade has done little since then to give the Chinese people political freedom.  Instead, the power of the communist dictators has been reinforced and strengthened by the influx of western cash. Please stop giving your cash to China; instead give them your prayers and determination to see them free to worship Christ as you do.  Don't you think that is a better lesson for your children then that plastic (and perhaps lead painted) toy?
Yellow Star: A cast of homeschooled students and graduates present a story of faith and courage set in France during World War II. It is an inspiring Christmas drama for the whole family. Performed by The Homeschool Dramatic Society, Cookeville, TN. Trailer for Yellow Star DVD   "Maurice Beaumont and his sisters are living in their family’s large old house in a Nazi-occupied French village during World War II. In spite of the Nazi presence, the Beaumonts’ lives are calm and quiet. Things change, however, when they agree to take in several children from Paris who have been sent to the country to avoid the tension and fighting in the city." "Things change even more when four workers in the French Resistance ask the Beaumonts to take in several Jewish children who are being hidden from the Nazis. The Beaumonts recognize the danger to themselves and the children from Paris if they take in the Jews, but they also recognize the danger to the Jewish children if they do not take them in. If they agree, the identity of the Jewish children must be kept a secret from the other villagers and, most importantly, from the Nazis." "The children, the villagers, and the Nazis are all in desperate need of the peace that is found only in Jesus Christ. The star that shone above the Christ Child so long ago to point the way to Him is bright enough to illumine all of their war-torn hearts, but that light will not penetrate their darkness unless they let it shine through." "Traditional French songs and folk dances, as well as original musical numbers and choreography, bring this story to life for the entire family. This play was performed by the Homeschool Dramatic Society on September 11 and 12, 2008 at the Cookeville Drama Center in Cookeville, Tennessee." The production, written and directed by Mary Evelyn Notgrass, is available on DVD from the Notgrass Company. If you are considering homeschooling, realize the wealth of private music, drama, and sports training available to your family.  There is no reason to be beholden to the state for your child's education.
Latest news available on the peanut recall.  Read it here:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090120/ap_on_re_us/salmonella_outbreak Post from: Homeschool Fitness Coach
To all our friends and everyone considering homeschooling in Orange County, California: This month's Exploring Homeschooling™ Orange County is a special introduction to homeschooling by Susan Beatty, founder of the Christian Home Educators Association of California.  Today, Susan is a leader in the homeschool movement, but at one time she started too.  Come learn for yourself or to introduce a friend to the how and why of private Biblical homeschooling.  You will learn: Susan Beatty of Christian Home Educators Association of California What types of homeschooling options are available and which ones are the best for you.   Different homeschooling teaching approaches, what they are, the pros and cons of each, and how they can be used in your family.   A courses of study - what it is and how to develop one.   How to set up your records so that you are compliant with state requirements or regulations.   Some of the special things that you can do that other educational choices will not offer.   The unexpected blessings to your family that come through private Biblical homeschooling. Susan will share from a wealth of experience, having homeschooled her own children and helped thousands of others learn about and succeed in homeschooling their own children. Susan and her husband Larry began CHEA of California and started homeschooling their three children in 1982.  In addition, Susan ran an Independent Study Program from 1985 to 1998.  She even found time to write An Introduction to Home Education manual. Susan and Larry have graduated all three children, the last child in 1998, and Susan has continued to be an integral part of CHEA, currently are as a member of the board of directors, general manager, and events manager. Susan writes and speaks at workshops and conventions on home education, annual national leadership conferences on homeschooling, and is a founding board member of The National Alliance for Christian Home Education Leadership. As a spokesperson for the home education community, Susan is interviewed for radio, television, and newspapers. Susan is a professional writer/journalist with a BA degree (1971) from Cal State University Los Angeles and a graduate of CLASS (Christian Leaders and Speakers Seminars). If you are considering homeschooling, starting out, or just curious, this informative free seminar will be a true blessing.  Get all the details here.  
Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I’ll make this short and sweet. Here are two Guilt Free Fat Fighters (and a BIG reminder) to enjoy tomorrow: 1) Celebration Sorbet Put a scoop of raspberry (or whatever your favorite flavor is) sorbet in a martini glass and sprinkle with fresh berries. Drizzle with champagne or sparkling apple cider. 2) Strawberry Dippers Dip whole strawberries in low-fat French vanilla, lemon chiffon or chocolate yogurt. Easy, huh? Guilt free AND delicious! My buddies at Prograde Nutrition are having a “Chocolate is for Lovers” sale for Valentine’s Day. Read below to find out how to save 14% on all purchases of their AMAZING organic dark chocolate Prograde Cravers. Seriously, they are the BEST tasting healthy snack bar on the planet. Happy Valentine’s Day!   PS - Here are all the details on Prograde Nutrition’s 14% off Prograde Cravers sale. Organic Dark Chocolate Prograde Cravers have no preservatives, only 180 calories and they come in three delicious flavors: peanut butter, almond butter and spirulina. The even better news is they are on sale all this week for Valentine’s Day. Here’s everything you need to know: - Again, because it’s Valentine’s Day, the sale is 14% off all purcahses of Prograde Cravers - When you checkout you will enter this coupon code to save the 14%:    vday0909 - Shipping will take 3-5 days, so while I HIGHLY recommend you jump all over this sale, don’t purchase these as a gift expecting them to be their for Valentine’s Day itself. Buy them as a healthy gift for yourself or others. - Sorry, Prograde Cravers are not available overseas - The offer cannot be combined with others from Prograde and it ends this Saturday, February 14th at 11:59pm EST. - Prograde Cravers are NOT available in stores anywhere. You can only find them online here: Prograde Cravers (hyperlink to http://inspirationfitness.getprograde.com/cravers) Post from: Homeschool Fitness Coach
The SCHSF 2008 newsletter is now available. View a copy in PDF format by clicking on the link below: SCHSF 2008 Newsletter (#)
Guest Post By Liz Donnelly of www.FamilyFitnessGuru.com 1. Put on that fitness-minded personality Wether you desire a flat belly or just the time to workout, you have to start it all with your attitude. If you are determined to improve your fitness “no matter what,” the you will most likely be successful. Usually this takes the manifestation of anger with your appearance or lack of energy or poor health. Once you’ve made up your mind to be fit, then it’s time to don that “fit-minded personality.” This is where you tell yourself multiple times daily that you have a tight mid-section, that you deserve a flat belly, if that’s your goal, for instance. Promise yourself that you’ll do something every day to work to that end. Your subconscious will listen to you. It doesn’t decipher between good and bad affirmations, it will simply apply what you always tell it. Are you saying or letting others say that you’re “fat” or “overweight” or “thick-waisted”? Time to change those words into “slender” or “sleek” or “tight”. This is also part of changing yourself from the top down, so to speak. What you think about yourself has great impact on your esteem, performance and outcomes. For example, becoming more aware of your body will get you to focus on changes to make like sitting or standing tall to prevent your belly from popping outward. You can apply fixing yourself from the top down in all aspects of your life not just fitness. (For example, telling yourself to have patience will help you be more inclined to notice those times when you are losing your temper.) The big lesson here, especially if you’re the kind of mom or dad who puts him or herself last on the priority list, is that you do need your self-improvement time and that you do need the increased energy, self confidence, strength, etc. to help you meet your many demands, especially keeping up with your kids, right? So the next step is just as important: 2. Get educated on fitness So many people lose their desire to workout and eat well because they either tune out the important messages that tell them why they must do so, or they possibly are not aware of the reasons. So the more you educate yourself on exercise and nutrition, the better off you’ll be to be inspired to keep yourself and your family health and active. This website is a good place to start. In particular, you can get FREE downloadable booklets on exercises for children and for yourself by subscribing to FamilyFitnessGuru updates. Look at the upper right side of the page above the side margin. There are also a host of books on the topic of fitness and articles in the paper on almost a daily level. Scour what you can and be informed. After all, you know yourself and your family best and you will remain motivated to stay fit the more you keep in touch with good information. 3. Now, it’s time to make time for fitness Getting a better working body does take time. If your particularly out of shape, then you must realize that it probably took some time for you to degenerate to this level. Even if you relatively fit, you still need to build in time for your workouts. Talk it over with your spouse, partner or own brain (if you’re a single parent like me) and literally write down and schedule your workouts. For me, I have to do some of my workouts during the week before I teach my 5:45 a.m. Fitcamp class. At other times, I have to schedule evenings after the kids go to bed. If you are with a partner, then you can alternate times to best suit your schedules, especially if the kids are awake and need supervision. If you’re a single parent and you are the residential parent, meaning the kids are with you the majority of the time, then you will have to do a little creative planning and think outside the box as to how you’ll get child care and get the freedom to work out. Many gyms have daycare-style facilities at which you can leave your kids for the duration of your exercising. Of course, if you don’t belong to a gym, then your next course of action is enlisting babysitting help with neighbors, friends or relatives. The next step is to join a local civic group that has a lot of parents as members (like a Junior Women’s Club (for moms) or Early Childhood PTA or regular PTA (for moms and dads). Some times making inquiries within groups like these will give you leads of fellow parents who are in a babysitting network. There is typically no charge for something like this. Your only payment is being available to watch someone else’s kids. There are options for just about any situation in terms of finding time (really its making the time) for your workouts. If you really want it, then you will make it work for you. (I hope you really want it!) 4. Do it! Nike has it right, if they still use that old tagline, that is. You really just have to start exercising. Your body was made to move. So, if your parts seem the Tin Man’s after a rain storm, then it’s all the more reason to continue to do your workouts consistently and stay “oiled up.” “What’s ample?” you might ask. Building an hour and a half weekly is a good place for beginners (30 minutes 3x/week). From there, you can add an additional 30 minutes. Ideally, you want to put in 5-6 days of movement. And it doesn’t have to be in the form of a formal workout. Schlepping things around in the garden or shoveling snow are excellent ways (depending on how intense) to move and burn calories. “What exercises do I do?” Well, start by signing up for FamilyFitnessGuru updates (look at the upper right area of the side margin) so you can download the “Top 5 Exercises for Moms & Dads.” You’ll get tons of details on how to perform those basic exercises to help you get on the road to fitness. My hope is that you’ll be consistent with your plan and notice results to help you stay motivated. Good luck and keep forging ahead! Post from: Homeschool Fitness Coach
Book Review by Kathy Lowers (and by Victoria Lowers, age 7) Title: Katy Author and Illustrator:  Mary Evelyn Notgrass ISBN number: 1-933410-86-8 Approximate reading level: Ages 7-12 Katy by Mary Evelyn Notgrass is a godly character book that is appropriate for all children.  It is of special interest to families who are in the midst of a decision to homeschool or who have decided to homeschool and are transitioning their children out of a school setting.  It is also an affirming book for those already home educating. Katy is a sweet story about a nine year old girl, Katy Porter, whose everyday life is about to change, now that her parents are considering homeschooling.  It is an enjoyable read about a loving and close family.  But, like so many Christian families in these dark times, the Porters have concerns about the anti-god influences of the public school on their children; homeschooling is looking like a worthy option to them.  Reasons for and objections to homeschooling are explored by members of the Porter family throughout the pages of this book.  Katy herself struggles with the fear that homeschooling will make her different than others in a negative sense, a common fear among those thinking of homeschooling. It is interesting to see how the children adjust to the idea of being taught at home.  The children are portrayed as respectful but human and the adults are good role models as well.   Better yet, Mr. Porter happens to be a pastor, and we could sure use more of them deciding to homeschool (hint: buy this book for your pastor’s kids).  Through the eyes of a child, this book conveys the joys of an intact, functional Christian family.  This is the subtle yet powerful message of the story – the family loves being together, which is something that homeschooling would enhance.  This is underscored by some memorable moments such as when Katy’s parents lock the children out of the house by mistake, leaving the children outside in the dark.  This situation makes them realize how being home together is where they prefer to be. Not only did Mary Evelyn Notgrass put together a nice book that younger children will connect with, she has given a real boost to families who are considering homeschooling. Katy is available from the Notgrass Company.
As promised, another New Year's resolution... perhaps the grandest of them all.  While the spiritual burden falls upon dad to raise-up your children in the Lord, most of the daily duties fall upon mom. If you are considering homeschooling, then equip yourself with the best information available from experienced Christian homeschool families. If you are in Southern California, this New Year's resolution will be easier to keep come January 16-17, 2009.  Our friends over at Exploring Homeschooling of Orange County, California will be hosting a free conference by Michael and Debi Pearl of No Greater Joy Ministries on January 16-17, 2009.  Friday from 7:00pm - 9:00pm and Saturday from 9:00am - 3:00pm at Knott Avenue Christian Church. Get all the details and register here. Considering Homeschooling hosted a one night seminar with Michael and Debi Pearl back in 2004.  It was great fun, full of insight and truth as only Michael and Debi Pearl can deliver. This seminar will be twice the fun and insight. Mark your calendars now for January 16-17, 2009... this is the perfect New Year's resolution:  "Train up a child in the way he should go..."
To all our friends and everyone considering homeschooling in Orange County, California: This month's Exploring Homeschooling™ Orange County is a special introduction to homeschooling by Susan Beatty, founder of the Christian Home Educators Association of California.  Today, Susan is a leader in the homeschool movement, but at one time she started too.  Come learn for yourself or to introduce a friend to the how and why of private Biblical homeschooling.  You will learn: Susan Beatty of Christian Home Educators Association of California What types of homeschooling options are available and which ones are the best for you.   Different homeschooling teaching approaches, what they are, the pros and cons of each, and how they can be used in your family.   A courses of study - what it is and how to develop one.   How to set up your records so that you are compliant with state requirements or regulations.   Some of the special things that you can do that other educational choices will not offer.   The unexpected blessings to your family that come through private Biblical homeschooling. Susan will share from a wealth of experience, having homeschooled her own children and helped thousands of others learn about and succeed in homeschooling their own children. Susan and her husband Larry began CHEA of California and started homeschooling their three children in 1982.  In addition, Susan ran an Independent Study Program from 1985 to 1998.  She even found time to write An Introduction to Home Education manual. Susan and Larry have graduated all three children, the last child in 1998, and Susan has continued to be an integral part of CHEA, currently are as a member of the board of directors, general manager, and events manager. Susan writes and speaks at workshops and conventions on home education, annual national leadership conferences on homeschooling, and is a founding board member of The National Alliance for Christian Home Education Leadership. As a spokesperson for the home education community, Susan is interviewed for radio, television, and newspapers. Susan is a professional writer/journalist with a BA degree (1971) from Cal State University Los Angeles and a graduate of CLASS (Christian Leaders and Speakers Seminars). If you are considering homeschooling, starting out, or just curious, this informative free seminar will be a true blessing.  Get all the details here.  
Book Review by Kathy Lowers (and by Victoria Lowers, age 7) Title: Katy Author and Illustrator:  Mary Evelyn Notgrass ISBN number: 1-933410-86-8 Approximate reading level: Ages 7-12 Katy by Mary Evelyn Notgrass is a godly character book that is appropriate for all children.  It is of special interest to families who are in the midst of a decision to homeschool or who have decided to homeschool and are transitioning their children out of a school setting.  It is also an affirming book for those already home educating. Katy is a sweet story about a nine year old girl, Katy Porter, whose everyday life is about to change, now that her parents are considering homeschooling.  It is an enjoyable read about a loving and close family.  But, like so many Christian families in these dark times, the Porters have concerns about the anti-god influences of the public school on their children; homeschooling is looking like a worthy option to them.  Reasons for and objections to homeschooling are explored by members of the Porter family throughout the pages of this book.  Katy herself struggles with the fear that homeschooling will make her different than others in a negative sense, a common fear among those thinking of homeschooling. It is interesting to see how the children adjust to the idea of being taught at home.  The children are portrayed as respectful but human and the adults are good role models as well.   Better yet, Mr. Porter happens to be a pastor, and we could sure use more of them deciding to homeschool (hint: buy this book for your pastor’s kids).  Through the eyes of a child, this book conveys the joys of an intact, functional Christian family.  This is the subtle yet powerful message of the story – the family loves being together, which is something that homeschooling would enhance.  This is underscored by some memorable moments such as when Katy’s parents lock the children out of the house by mistake, leaving the children outside in the dark.  This situation makes them realize how being home together is where they prefer to be. Not only did Mary Evelyn Notgrass put together a nice book that younger children will connect with, she has given a real boost to families who are considering homeschooling. Katy is available from the Notgrass Company.
T8ermomma, owner of Shiver Academy (Shiver is a penguin who is the school mascot, in case you are wondering), has put together a 992 page unit study based on the Book of Virtues and has made it available for download at no charge. This enormous resource is full of printables, lesson plans, worksheets, planning sheets and much more. It's obvious that many hours went into planning this great unit and T8ermomma is gracious enough to share it at no charge. You can see all of the details at her blog, and look in the right column about halfway down the page for the download links (under the Book of Virtues heading). There are a few other downloads available below the Book of Virtues section. The unit is available as both one large file and several smaller files for those who might be on a slow connection. Thanks to Homeschooler's Notebook for bringing this resource to my attention!
Patsy and Doug Arnold, founders of Texas Special Kids, discuss how to bring your special needs children home, the challenges of homeschooling a special needs child and the rewards and resources available to help parents.
Science Friday is a live news/talk show about science that is broadcast every Friday on National Public Radio (NPR) stations nationwide. NPR has made new video-based science lessons available to complement the show free of charge on their Web site.
So, how do CLEP exams stack up as to difficulty? It is hard to say with precision because College Board and Dantes do not publish their overall pass rates, but the military posts their pass rates online. Military testers can take CLEP or DSST (Dantes) exams for free which could influence their choice to take an exam “cold” or without a lot of preparation. That being said, here are the military pass rates, arranged easiest to most difficult.2008 Pass Rate for Computer-Based Military TestingCLEP/DSST Exam – Pass RateDSST Technical Writing – 94%CLEP Spanish Language – 88%DSST Introduction to Computing – 83% (or 53%)*DSST Introduction to Business – 81%DSST Ethics in America – 82% (or 30%)*CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature – 71%DSST Here’s to Your Health – 70% (or 41%)*DSST Principles of Supervision – 69%CLEP Principles of Management – 67%DSST Business Mathematics – 66%DSST Human Resource Management – 65%CLEP Principles of Marketing – 64%CLEP German Language – 64%CLEP Freshman College Composition – 64%CLEP French Language – 63%DSST Introduction to Law Enforcement – 62%DSST Personal Finance – 61% (or 31%)*DSST Environment and Humanity – 60%DSST Management Information Systems – 58% (or 33%)*DSST Foundations of Education – 56%CLEP Western Civilization 1 – 55%DSST Fundamentals of Counseling – 55%DSST Organizational Behavior – 53%DSST Introduction to World Religions – 53% (or 30%)*DSST Astronomy – 52%DSST Principles of Physical Science 1 – 52%DSST Introduction to Modern Middle East – 49%DSST Business Law 2 – 48%CLEP Social Sciences and History – 47%CLEP Introductory Sociology – 45%CLEP Western Civilization 2 – 44%CLEP Introductory Psychology – 42%DSST Lifespan Developmental Psychology – 42%DSST Human Cultural Geography – 40%CLEP College Mathematics – 40%DSST Criminal Justice – 40% (or 35%)*CLEP Natural Sciences – 40%CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications – 40%CLEP English Composition with Essay – 39%CLEP Humanities – 37%DSST Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union – 37%DSST Substance Abuse – 37% (or 39%)*DSST Civil War and Reconstruction – 35%DSST Western Europe since 1945 – 35%DSST Art of the Western World – 34%CLEP English Literature – 33%DSST General Anthropology – 33%CLEP History of the United States 2 – 32%CLEP History of the United States 1 – 31%CLEP Biology – 31%CLEP English Composition – 31%CLEP Introduction into Educational Psychology – 29%CLEP Precal – 28%DSST A History of the Vietnam War – 27%CLEP American Government – 24%DSST Principles of Statistics – 24% (or 49%)*DSST Fundamentals of College Algebra – 23% (or 12%)*CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics – 22%DSST Principles of Financial Accounting – 22%CLEP Human Growth and Development – 22%CLEP Introductory Business Law – 21%CLEP Principles of Microeconomics – 20%CLEP American Literature – 18%CLEP College Algebra – 17%CLEP Calculus – 17%DSST Money and Banking – 16%DSST Principles of Finance – 11%CLEP Financial Accounting – 7%CLEP Chemistry – 4%DSST Physical Geology – 2%Bear in mind a few details. These pass rates are for 2008 military on base computer versions of these exams. Some have been modified since these results were compiled. The best way to make an exam easy is to work hard, use the best materials available and study for exams that interest you. And a sure fire edge is being a member of InstantCert.More later on what makes an exam easy.*New updated DSST exams
What if there was a way to jump start your student’s college degree, even during the high school years? What if a college degree could be earned along side your high school courses? CLEP and DSST exams provide exactly that opportunity. College credit is available to the high school student. There are many advantages to pursuing CLEP courses during high school. Many course are available that contain material your high school student already knows, thereby reducing the time on campus, lightening the college work load, reducing the cost of tuition, and saving time that can be used for work and ministry. Many students can finish High School with their college core degree requirements completed. Some students can even finish an associates or bachelors degree during their high school years. Starting on the journey of CLEP for High School can be intimidating. Here is a step by step plan:1. Pray. Make sure this is the path the Lord has for you. 2. Make sure your spouse is on board with a different approach to High School. 3. Check your state homeschooling laws. Many states have mandated curriculum while others provide more flexibility. Keep your state regulations in mind as you plan. 4. Acquire a government issued photo ID for your student. Don’t wait on this one as some federal regulations have increased the wait time for such identification. This, along with a Social Security number, is required to take a CLEP or DSST exam. 5. Consider going for a complete degree using credit by examination. Visit TESC's website and let your kids dream about possible degrees, starting with Associates degrees. This dreaming can give you insight into where the Lord may be leading your student.6. If your student has a particular college in mind, contact them and ask how many CLEP courses they accept, which ones and what score they require. Colleges differ as to which CLEP courses they accept and how many.7. Get copies of CLEP Official Study Guide 2010 and Cracking the CLEP, 5th Edition (College Test Preparation). There is nothing like having practice tests in your hands. These books have one of each of the possible CLEP exams and will be used later for practice tests.8. Determine interest. What areas interest your student? CLEP courses are available in 34 subject areas. Scan thru the possible CLEP courses on this site for courses your kids may be ready for already (or could be in a few weeks) or courses that interest them. 9. Consider putting aside ideas about covering multiple subjects at once. We go faster with only one or two courses at a time.10. Use the TESC website degree descriptions to build a template for the possible degree your student is interested it. Remember that you can customize your degree but you don't have to have the full plan to get started.11. Choose a course, or two. Confirm that the textbook or class your student is taking matches the CLEP exam content. Always refer to the exam description found at College Board.12. Search for a testing center near you. They can be found using the search at College Board. Try the nearby university or community college.Study. Take practice tests. Review. Make appointment. Take CLEP test.Post any questions. We’re here to help.
Who should go for this exam? Those seeking a degree in the Arts or History, fans of classic literature, Janeites, or students who have been successful with CLEP Humanities or CLEP Analyzing Literature. This 6 credit examination is similar in content to a two semester college English course, covering Beowulf to the present and analysis of literary passages. It comes with an optional essay so check with your college to see if the essay is required. My student is going for a degree from TESC and we have been told the essay is not necessary. Here you will find our favorite materials, the method of study we utilized and what you must know to pass. There are many materials available for Literature students but not as many that are specific to this CLEP exam so we went to homeschool sources, Amazon and the library. We found: Introduction to English Literature : English Literature I (Classics for Christians, Volume 5) (A+ text) Spark Notes Literature Guides (free online, including quizzes) InstantCert (IC provides no flashcards for this exam but they have priceless feedback on the forum) English Literature (Barron's Ez-101 Study Keys) (for reference) Barron's AP English Literature and Composition (Barron's How to Prepare for the Ap English Literature and Composition Advanced Placement Examination) (for some of the best practice in analysis of passages) CLEP Official Study Guide 2010 (for the final exam)Movies from the Library:Hamlet - Mel Gibson versionKing Lear All Jane Austin films Jane Eyre Wuthering Heights Any DickensThe method of study for this test was led by my student. She was already an avid reader, especially of Jane Austin's so she had a lot to build on. She used Introduction to English Literature : English Literature I (Classics for Christians, Volume 5) as a framework, reading books, watching films and reading Spark Notes outlines to fill in gaps in her knowledge. The CLEP Humanities exam had prepared her somewhat and she continued to add information on authors, genres and works. I gathered feedback from the InstantCert forum and we quizzed daily. She used the Barron's book for reference in the final days and took the CLEP Official Study Guide 2010 exam to gauge readiness. After her previous success on the Analyzing Literature exam all she did to prepare for the analysis portion was to practice this skill with Barron's AP English Literature and Composition (Barron's How to Prepare for the Ap English Literature and Composition Advanced Placement Examination). The result was a good score and another 6 credits toward her degree.What you must be familiar with:Literary TermsBeowulfBronte SistersCanterbury TalesCavalier PoetsCharles LambChristina RossettiDaniel DefoeDickensE.M. ForsterGerard Manley HopkinsHamletJane AustenJohn Stuart MillJonathan SwiftKatherine MansfieldKing ArthurMacbethOthelloParadise LostPilgrim’s ProgressRomeo and JulietRudyard KiplingTale of Ancient MarinerThomas HardyVirginia WolfWilliam BlakeA complete exam description can be found here.Have fun. Rent a movie. Read a poem and dig in. Work hard and you may find yourself 6 credits richer.
This exam makes a nice end to a 9 credit trilogy of American Government, US History 1 & US History 2. With lots of crossover a high school or college student can earn those 9 credits as each exam builds on the others. US History 2 covers material from the end of the Civil War to Reagan with a few mentions of material of Bush 1 & 2. Here is the material we liked and used, the method that worked for us and what you must know to do well.As with any US History exam there are so many materials available but these rose to the top:CLEP History of the United States II w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLE (Test Preps) (A+ material, very helpful)American History, 1877 to the Present (Barron's EZ-101 Study Keys)American History (Minipedia) The History Channel Presents The Presidents (the same ones we recommend for US History 1)CLEP Official Study Guide 2010 (for the final practice test)My eldest is the one who tackled this exam. Her method began with a practice test, just to see where she was with the material. Then she read the REA text, taking notes. Now to another practice test to see how prepared she was. Here she used the Barron's and Minipedia books to fill in holes in her knowledge. Finally, she took practice tests and filled in holes until she had mastered the material. During the entire study time she watched the Presidents DVD, at least 3 or 4 times, to solidify the timeline in her mind. Here is what you must know:Cross over material from American Government (civil rights legislation, civil liberties, Supreme Court cases of the period)Civil War ActsWomen's Rights MovementSuffrageCivil rights and Race RelationsPolitical StructuresTimeline of the Presidents (especially noting their scandals & troubles)Political Scandals (like Watergate and the Grant Administration corruption)Roosevelts (both FDR & Theodore)NOT WW1 & WW2 (this is not a foreign policy test as much as you might expect)Footnotes of US History, like US History 1 A detailed exam description can be found here.This test was her third Social Sciences exam and was a nice capstone for her study of America. She recommends taking all three of these American CLEP exams for a high school student, studying your regular High School text if you like, and then spending a few weeks on the REA book. The next could be the Civil War DSST exam for a more advanced student. Bottom line best resource:CLEP History of the United States II w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLE (Test Preps)
Are you pursuing a business degree? Do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you need to set yourself apart from other entry-level employees at work? If you said yes to any of these, maybe CLEP Principles of Management is a course for you.The CLEP Principles of Management exam is a 3 credit Business exam that covers material taught in a college level introductory course in management and organizations. It includes operational and functional aspects of business and human resources. This was our first business exam and it proved to be a good place to start. Here are the materials we used, our study method and what you must know to pass.Many materials are available for this course but the good news for the cost conscious collegiate is our favorites were almost all free or low cost. We purchased the REA Principles of Management Guide with the CD-ROM practice tests but found other materials we preferred. We used:Principles of Management (Cliffs Quick Review) Peterson's Online Practice examsInstantCert ($20 a month) plus the feedback on the InstantCert forum (priceless)CLEP Official Study Guide 2009 A good study method always works in phases and this course was no exception. First we read through the Cliff's Notes Management text, made flash cards and took notes from it and the InstantCert forum and studied the InstantCert material. Next we began the practice test phase, beginning with the Peterson's tests (see the post on studying wrong answers for more details on this process) and ending with the CLEP Official test for a final exam. As soon as both students were scoring in the 60's or 70's on their practice tests we made the appointment with our local testing center. We are pleased to report that they both passed but not with the scores they would have liked. Here is their advice:Peterson's test were by far the most helpful of all the materials. We were glad to have taken them each twice, at least.CLEP Official was good but it was not a true indication of what would be on the test.Be ready for 20 or more names of management theorists and their theories, some we had not encountered in our practice materials.InstantCert was great.Find another source, like Wikipedia or another textbook for more of the theorists.Take notes at the testing facility during your test (they provide paper for this). Sometimes this helps with eliminating incorrect answers.Make sure you know and understand:1. Types of Power (reward, legitimate, coercive, expert and referent)2. Authority (functional, line, staff)3. Types of management structure (formal, functional, mechanistic, network, organic, team)4. Types of teams (functional, cross-functional, self-directed)A complete exam description can be found at College Board.Sometimes the best part of an exam is when you are finished, and while this is partly true we learned so much about the evolution of management here in the United States, how we manage our homes, how the church is managed, how employees respond to different types of managers and how unions affect business. Having spent time in a large hospital we have new insight into how the staff was organized. I pray that the Lord uses this insight for His glory in the lives of my children.
The CLEP American Government test is a 3 credit exam Social Sciences and History exam. This was our first CLEP exam and it makes a great starting point for students who love history, are interested in government and politics or are competing in debate.Here is a list of materials we used, our method of study and what you must know to pass.....Materials available for this exam can be pretty overwhelming. I used any text available at the library covering CLEP American Government or AP US Government and Politics, includingKaplan AP U.S. Government & Politics 2009 (Kaplan Ap Us Government and Politics) Barron's AP U.S. Government and Politics CLEP Official Study Guide 2010 American Government (Cliffs Quick Review) Peterson's online practice examsBy far my favorite was the Cliffs guide. You can access it free here.Be sure to study the glossary (we memorized it) and take good notes. The other sources were used for test practice and "out loud" question. Other materials may be just as good. We would have used InstanCert but we had not discovered it yet.REA just released their CLEP American Government w/CD-ROM (REA) (Best Test Preparation for the CLEP). Consider using it as your main textbook and supplementing with the Cliffs Guide.Prior to this exam we had little experience in dealing with multiple choice questions at the college level. Together we learned to reason through choices and narrow down to the best answer. Daily I read aloud from the Cliffs guide while they took notes. We spent a lot of time chasing rabbits and creating analogies to help reinforce difficult concepts. This was followed by lots of drill with flashcards made from the Cliffs glossary. The last phase of study was practice tests and as soon as they were scoring in the 60's (according to the CLEP scoring method) we made the appointment for the exam. Other methods may be just as good but this served us pretty well.In order to pass this exam you must know the following concepts well:The Constitution, ammendments and articles Articles of Confederation Major supreme court cases Civil rights acts and their impacts Civil Liberties Types of Federalism The job of the Senate, President, VP, ect Congressional Procedures and committees (differences between committees) A more extensive list of topics covered and percentages is covered at College Board.I highly recommend this CLEP for any student in NCFCA Team Policy debate, both for the knowledge gained but also because policy debate prepares the student for parts of this exam. Your student will learn so much about the government and be able to apply this to negative and affirmative argumentation. For those not in debate this still makes a good starting point as it can be a good foundation for the US History 1 & 2 exams.
The CLEP US History 1 exam is a 3 credit Social Sciences and History exam that covers the early colonial period of North America though Reconstruction. This was our second CLEP test and overlaps material from CLEP American Government, especially the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Supreme Court cases. Students interested in history should be able to enjoy this exam and do well. Here are the materials we used, our study method and what you must know to pass.Available materials for this exam abound and many are good but our favorites were:InstantCert (invaluable for this exam, especially the feedback section of the forum) The CLEP History of the United States I w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLEP Official Study Guide 2010 (makes a great final exam) Peterson's online practice exams (harder than the actual exam but excellent for study)The History Channel Presents The Presidents For this exam we used a combination of texts, videos, flashcards and a few movies from the period. Making flashcards or a power point presentation of the presidents, the highlights of each administration, and the major supreme court cases were helpful to solidify the timeline and flow of the study. Reading through the text of the REA book, while taking notes was important for the first phase of study. Next we began practice testing, starting with REA's CD-ROM tests and moving to Peterson's online tests and finally ending with the CLEP Official exam. The practice testing phase showed us what we needed to study more and Wikipedia is a good source for this because it was so easy to search for the term or person we were unfamiliar with.The major "must knows" for this exam are:Women's issues of the period Reform Movements (both religious and political) Literature of the period Differences betwen the different British colonies Presidents, their administations (along with their scandals) The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation Slavery and Indentured Servitude A more detailed exam description can be found here.A suprising component about this exam was the time spent on more minor players and issues and less on major figures like Washington. If you need any more Social Science credits and don't mind a challenge think about following this exam with DSST Civil War and Reconstruction. More on that one later...
HISTORY(tm), together with the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress, will host a National Teach-In on Veterans History on Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 at 12pm EST. Educators and students nationwide can tune-in and view this LIVE webcast online at www.veterans.com. The webcast will be broadcast live from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. A panel of educators and veterans will answer questions from students via video, email, and a live audience. The teach-in will focus on the histories and stories of veterans, and will provide information on how communities nationwide can help preserve the stories of veterans and possibly submit them to the Library of Congress' Veterans History Project. This event is part of the Take A Veteran to School Day initiative created by HISTORY. The panel features Robert Patrick, Director of the Veterans History Project, Terry Shima, WWII veteran and Executive Director of the Japanese American Veterans Association, Professor Darlene Iskra, a US Navy veteran of Desert Storm and the first female commander of a US Navy ship, and Jonathan Bickel, a teacher from Eastern Lebanon County High School and part of a teaching-team on veterans history at his school. Dr. Libby O'Connell, Chief Historian for HISTORY, will moderate. This fall, HISTORY will air a 5-part special series presentation entitled WWII in HD premiering on November 15th. Each school or teacher that signs up for the October 21st webcast will receive a colorful WWII in HD poster and a field kit developed by the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress. (These will be sent in early October and are available while supplies last.) To register for this webcast and the Take a Veteran to School program, visit us at http://www.history.com/content/veterans If you have any additional questions or feedback, contact us at veterans@aetn.com. There is no registration fee -- HISTORY has fully funded this event. Additional Library of Congress teacher resources relating to Veterans History can be found at http://www.loc.gov/vets/youth-resources.html
POP WEAVER LAUNCHES FIRST MICROWAVE POPCORN MADE WITH CANOLA OILI was sent the amazing new Microwave Popcorn with Canola Oil from Pop Weaver! When you hear about a company who is known for making tasty foods, converting to creating a product that is GOOD for you, you first wonder, "Hmmm... Will it still TASTE good?"The answer in this case: YES!I suffered some pretty ugly gall bladder attacks a couple of months ago, just before I received this popcorn to try. I had a VERY limited diet, and was unable to tolerate anything with heavy grease. This popcorn was a lifesaver! I was able to snack on it with no issues.The only problem I experienced with this treat was that my children kept snagging it from me! They love movie theatre style popcorn, so I didn't think they'd like it. I was wrong. The popcorn was gone so fast, I was out 4 days later looking for more!This is some info from Pop Weaver about New Product Combines Improved Buttery Taste with theHealth Benefits of Canola OilNOBLESVILLE, Ind., – Pop Weaver is introducing the first microwave popcorn to be made with Canola oil. The new and improved formulation of the popcorn enhances the rich, buttery taste that Pop Weaver is known for, and is lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat and sodium, while also providing Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids.“Since popcorn is all we make, we're continually striving to make our product the best-tasting, healthiest popcorn, at the best possible price,” said Mike Weaver, president and chief executive officer of the Weaver Popcorn Company, which makes Pop Weaver. “We've worked for years to replace our previous oil blend with a Canola oil blend, and we are proud to lead the industry with this innovation.”All three flavors in the Pop Weaver microwave popcorn line – Light Butter, Butter and Extra Butter – have been reformulated to incorporate Canola oil. Both Light Butter and Butter carry the American Heart Association's Heart Check mark, designating them as heart-healthy products. All three flavors also contain zero grams of trans fat.Pop Weaver's Canola oil blend is primarily comprised of “heart healthy” polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which help to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and supply Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, helping to protect against coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. And the popcorn provides other health benefits, as well, since it is a good source of whole grains. Not only does it contain fiber, but a study released this summer found that popcorn also provides healthy antioxidants. In fact, because it is unprocessed, according to the study, popped popcorn provided more antioxidants than any other snack food tested.New Popcorn Lower in Fat and Calories, High in TasteFor the first time, even lovers of Pop Weaver Extra Butter microwave popcorn can enjoy an entire bag of their favorite snack, guilt-free. With only 260 calories, 2g saturated fat, and 0g trans fats per full bag popped, new Pop Weaver Extra Butter microwave popcorn will satisfy your butter craving without blowing your diet. The Light Butter and Butter flavors – which carry the Heart Check designation – contain only 210 calories and 230 calories per full popped bag, respectively.“With most ‘healthy' snacks, you typically have to give up flavor,” said Weaver. “But our new microwave popcorn really is the best of all worlds. Not only does it taste great, but it is better for you.”Weaver adds that Pop Weaver remains a great snacking value, as well. “You can serve your family our popcorn for 21 cents per full bag popped, said Weaver. “No other snack provides the nutrition that we do for such a low cost. And it's fun and delicious to eat.”New Pop Weaver microwave popcorn made with Canola oil in Extra Butter, Butter and Light Butter is available at mass market retailers and discount stores nationwide. Thank you to Adrienne Baily and Pop Weaver for donating the free popcorn samples for my review!! I was not compensated monetarily for this review, or for any reviews or giveaways on my blog site. All reviews are provided after I receive a free or donated product from the publisher, manufacturer, or PR company. Reviews are written from an unbiased point of view. Only business relationships exist with those who provide products for review. The Author of Mingle Over Mocha is not responsible for your difference in opinion or happiness with this product, or your safety when using this product.Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
I was so excited to be chosen to review the One eskimO album "All Balloons!"One eskimO is a critically-acclaimed English band fronted by singer-songwriter Kristian Leontiou and includes musicians Pete Rinaldi (guitar), Jamie Sefton (bass, horns) and Adam Falkner (drums).They currently have the #1 adult alternative song called 'Kandi' which you may have already heard since it's the most played song on all adult rock radio 4 weeks and counting! ? Billboard Magazine calls One eskimO's self-titled debut album "...catchy, ambient pop." and Los Angeles Times Magazine hails the song "Kandi" “a beautiful, aspirational track.” The album is available in stores now.? ? Watch the amazing Kandi video now!The album release comes in tandem with a full length animated film. “Hometime”, one of the tracks that an animated short was first done with proved to be quite a sensation. It received numerous honors at film festivals around the world, as well as a 2008 British Animation Award. My opinion on the album...I LOVE quite a few songs on this CD.? Astronauts, WHICH YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE, is amazing.? It is bathtime music for me.? It just takes you away.? Kandi is the funnest, funkiest, jazziest, sassiest song I can think of at the moment.? And I can truely say there are NO SONGS on this CD I don't enjoy!!The listing of tracks on this CD are:HometimeAstronautsKandiSlipSimple DayGivin UpChocolateAll BalloonsChosen OneUFOAmazing? Be sure to visit One eskimO's Facebook page: http://bit.ly/906Gp3, their YouTube Channel:? http://bit.ly/bgZM8P , and subscribe to their newsletter:? http://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1410294733! One? eskimO? is on tour May/June/July supporting Michael Franti and in addition to festivals and headlining showsTour Dates-May 14 Miami, FL Fillmore May 15 Jacksonville, FL Free Bird LiveMay 18 Orlando, FL House of BluesMay 19 Tampa, FL The Ritz YborMay 22 Raleigh, NC Lincoln TheatreMay 24 Asheville, NC The Orange PeelMay 25 Charleston, SC The Music FarmJun 01 Toronto, ON The Guvernment Jun 03 New York, NY The Beach at Governor's IslandJun 04 Boston, MA House of Blues Jun 05 Essex Junction, VT Camplain Valley ExpoJun 06 Hunter, NY Mountain Jam FestivalJun 08 Royal Oak, MI Royal Oak Music ThtrJun 09 Grand Rapids, MI Orbit RoomJun 12 Memphis, TN Minglewood Hall Jun 13 Kansas City, MO CrossroadsAug 14 Denver, CO Mile High FestivalYou can download the deluxe edition of this album HERE!? You can also enter to WIN a copy from One2One Network and Mingle Over Mocha!? To enter, please do any or all of the following items. The "Mandatory" item(s) must be completed before getting any additional credits from the "Optional for Extra Credit" section.Mandatory:• Visit the One eskimO site by clicking HERE, and leave a comment (BE SURE to include? your email address in case you win!!? Sometimes, people never get their prize, because I can't find their email address!!) telling me what you love the most! Optional for Extra Credit:• Subscribe to this blog HERE, and comment that you do.• Follow this blog HERE, and comment that you do.• Post about this giveaway on your blog, and comment with a link to the post!• Digg this post by clicking HERE!• Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.• Email this contest out to your friends, and copy me on it at vaagen@bellsouth.net ? • Follow me on Twitter? HERE and ReTweet this: "I want to WIN the new One eskimO CD from @vaagen on her site http://www.mingleovermocha.com/!"? ? Comment below that you did! You can retweet this contest every day for extra entries- simply leave a comment each time you tweet!• Invite friends to follow Mingle Over Mocha on Facebook, and comment that you did!The winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on May 31st at 6pm!? GOOD LUCK!Thank you to? One eskimO and One2One Network? for donating the free CD "All? Balloons"? for my review!! I was not compensated monetarily for this review, or for any reviews or giveaways on my blog site. All reviews are provided after I receive a free or donated product from the publisher, manufacturer, or PR company. Reviews are written from an unbiased point of view. Only business relationships exist with those who provide products for review. The Author of Mingle Over Mocha is not responsible for your difference in opinion or happiness with this product, or your safety when using this product.Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!