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Make posable toy animals from dried pasta.
The Reality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Imagine an Air Force mom, serving her country on a month-long deployment, who learns that her daughter has been secretly removed by local authorities, claiming the child has been “abandoned.” Children begin mandatory sex-education at the age of four, regardless of their family’s opinions, [...]
A Child-Centered Society The Netherlands and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child If you could choose any country in the world in which to raise your child, which would you choose? You might be inclined to choose the comforts of the United States or Britain, the charm of European mainstays like France and Germany, the [...]
Change is coming.  No, I’m not talking about Barack Obama or John McCain (and aren’t you glad!).  I’m talking about big changes in the works here at ParentalRights.org. With Election Day tomorrow, voters across the country will choose not only a president, but the 111th Congress.  Once that happens, we will get to know the new [...]
According to an August 16 story from The Hartford Courant, Hartford  (Connecticut) hopes to stem a wave of teen crime by reviving a curfew law already on the books.  Authorities believe the 9:00 pm deadline for minors under 18 to be off the streets will reduce crime, though many residents express doubts.  And teens with [...]
Contact your Representative today and urge them to support the Parental Rights Amendment. The Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment bill has just been introduced in the House of Representatives! Our bill number is H. J. Res 97. You can read the language of the bill by visiting http://thomas.loc.gov and searching for the bill number. Rep. Pete Hoekstra introduced [...]
Joanne discusses homeschooling, getting your children into college, setting up a dual credit program with your community college, the Andrea Yates situation, and the Homeschool Honor Society Eta Sigma Alpha.
Southern Baptist Mom and founder of Southern Baptist Church and Home Education Association talks about the exit strategy and the Kingdom Education Workshop on June 15th in Greensboro, NC
Here’s a new take on the story of the Good Samaritan: The Good Samaritan is walking down the road and cares for a stranger who has been beaten and robbed, [NC Democractic Rep David] Price said. The next day, on the same road, another person has been beaten and robbed. So it goes for another week [...]
… but I am back. It’s been a hectic month — two 26′ UHauls full of stuff, packing and unpacking, a 30 year High School reunion in Florida, and a series of snafus at my new job that prevented me getting access to a computer for almost two weeks. Throw in some record [...]
Is there a word for when people misuse an acronym or abbreviation by appending to it the full word represented by the last letter? For example: PIN number or ATM machine. There are more localized examples: when I worked at Kennedy Space Center’s Bicentennial Exposition (known as “Third Century America”) immediately after high [...]
From Fox News Sunday yesterday: (CHRIS) WALLACE: And, finally, Senator Biden — finally, we’ve got about 30 seconds left, but I can’t let you go without some politics. As we’ve mentioned, you’re in South Carolina right now, on the campaign trial. Thirty seconds or less, what kind of a chance would a Northeastern liberal like Joe [...]
I promised SWMBO that I would get her a computer for downstairs. I thought it might be interesting to try a Mac this time around, so we now have one of these (the black one), which we bought here. Just got it turned on, but so far it seems pretty fun. This post is [...]
… just not very motivated at the moment.  DC life has taken some getting used to.  Plus I feel like I’ve lost my “blog identity,” now that I’m not professorin’ or homeschooling. Be patient.
-by Mimi Rothschild When an adult meets a child, it is very likely that the first question asked will be, “What grade are you in?” For our homeschool students, the answer might be, “I’m in first grade reading, fourth grade math, and everything else is second grade” or “I get to go at my own pace, and [...]
Maybe you’re one of the blessed ones and all of your children pay perfect attention and are thrilled to participate in all their subjects. But if you’re like most, you have at least one student that makes completing math problems or writing a paragraph like pulling teeth. So what can you do to inspire that reluctant learner?
-by Mimi Rothschild Strategies for Teaching All Your Children Together Probably most of us have had days when we think it might be better for us as homeschooling parents if we just had a set of twins. Then we could do one lesson for all our kids, instead of hopping back and forth from one to another. On [...]
by Mimi Rothschild Maybe you’re one of the blessed ones and all of your children pay perfect attention and are thrilled to participate in all their subjects. But if you’re like most, you have at least one student that makes completing math problems or writing a paragraph like pulling teeth. So what can you [...]
The Starfish Country Home School aspires to be the best school in northern Thailand. The school will accept needy children without regard to their religious affiliation and national or ethnic origin and will provide them a quality education that emphasizes communication skills in Thai and English, technology, mathematics, visual and performing arts, international cultures and developing respect and compassion for others. The Starfish Country Home School Foundation will provide a safe and secure modern residence and personal guidance for all of its students as they mature. Those children that can achieve the required academic excellence will remain at the school until they are ready to attend university and will be further supported at university. The education will always be free, diversified and directed to meet the needs, interests and abilities of the individual student.
Happy Holidays - the 2007 SCHSF Annual Letter is now posted here (http://www.schsf.org/newsletters/SCHSF_2007_Annual_Letter.pdf).
Here is a group photo taken May 8th, 2006 at the Starfish Country Home School near Maetang in Chiangmai province, Thailand. Subsequently, some of the children moved to the new Starfish Home in the city of Chiangmai.
To help her family slow down and savor the small pleasures in life, December/January 2009 Mom of the Month Anne Petersen schedules a weekly "pioneer night."
Help your kids have a colorful closet with these fun hanger crafts from FamilyFun.com.
Butternut squash, sweet onions and ham give this hearty soup a distinctive flavor that's great for fall or winter.
This hearty chili is truly a snap to prepare. After browning the beef and stirring in the spices to give them a slightly toasted flavor, you simply toss everything into a slow cooker and let the mixture simmer all day.