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Here's how to make your own irresistible trio of Polar Bear Cubs, starting with Mama Bear.
What to do with all those great leftovers the day after having a big turkey? This year, before piling them on a plate and heading for the microwave, consider showing your child how to turn them into a savory hot dish that's on everyone's list of favorite comfort foods: turkey potpie.
Contact your Representative today and urge them to support the Parental Rights Amendment. The Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment bill has just been introduced in the House of Representatives! Our bill number is H. J. Res 97. You can read the language of the bill by visiting http://thomas.loc.gov and searching for the bill number. Rep. Pete Hoekstra introduced [...]
As Ronald Reagan used to say when debating political opponents, “There you go again!” It would be appropriate to say the same thing to the state of California, who is doing its best to undermine the vital role parents play in the lives of their children. While everyone’s attention has focused on the recent court case In [...]
Change is coming.  No, I’m not talking about Barack Obama or John McCain (and aren’t you glad!).  I’m talking about big changes in the works here at ParentalRights.org. With Election Day tomorrow, voters across the country will choose not only a president, but the 111th Congress.  Once that happens, we will get to know the new [...]
A Child-Centered Society The Netherlands and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child If you could choose any country in the world in which to raise your child, which would you choose? You might be inclined to choose the comforts of the United States or Britain, the charm of European mainstays like France and Germany, the [...]
When you have only one child in a sea of families with many children, how do you cope? How do you adjust the lesson plans? Donna C, author of Homeschooling Only One shows you how to adjust and adapt in the homeschooling world.
Patsy and Doug Arnold, founders of Texas Special Kids, discuss how to bring your special needs children home, the challenges of homeschooling a special needs child and the rewards and resources available to help parents.
Joanne discusses homeschooling, getting your children into college, setting up a dual credit program with your community college, the Andrea Yates situation, and the Homeschool Honor Society Eta Sigma Alpha.
I know you’ve probably pondered that question many times. Wonder no more. Hat tip: Dave Barry.
You must go and read the Amazon.com Reviews for Tuscan Whole Milk.  You will not be disappointed.  Funny stuff! Caveat 1: I’m sure more reviews will be added.  They may not be as funny. Caveat 2: Some of the reviews are not appropriate for younger eyes. Caveat 3: At the time of this posting, there were 622 reviews.  [...]
Well, certain Christians, anyway: Lyndsay Moseley was no longer inspired by the evangelical Christian faith of her youth. As an environmental activist, she believed that it offered little spiritual support for her work and was overly focused on opposing abortion and gay marriage. … and, you know, sin and all that stuff. Then the 27-year-old District resident discovered [...]
From Fox News Sunday yesterday: (CHRIS) WALLACE: And, finally, Senator Biden — finally, we’ve got about 30 seconds left, but I can’t let you go without some politics. As we’ve mentioned, you’re in South Carolina right now, on the campaign trial. Thirty seconds or less, what kind of a chance would a Northeastern liberal like Joe [...]
You can expect a high number of interceptions when you pass these individual-size meatball sandwiches during halftime festivities.
-by Mimi Rothschild Strategies for Teaching All Your Children Together Probably most of us have had days when we think it might be better for us as homeschooling parents if we just had a set of twins. Then we could do one lesson for all our kids, instead of hopping back and forth from one to another. On [...]
-by Mimi Rothschild When an adult meets a child, it is very likely that the first question asked will be, “What grade are you in?” For our homeschool students, the answer might be, “I’m in first grade reading, fourth grade math, and everything else is second grade” or “I get to go at my own pace, and [...]
Maybe you’re one of the blessed ones and all of your children pay perfect attention and are thrilled to participate in all their subjects. But if you’re like most, you have at least one student that makes completing math problems or writing a paragraph like pulling teeth. So what can you do to inspire that reluctant learner?
-by Mimi Rothschild Children are all different. This is one of the reasons that homeschooling is such a blessing for so many families. Teaching your children at home allows you to respond to the different needs, the varied interests, and the strengths and weaknesses of each child. But there are some things that we can expect of [...]
by Mimi Rothschild Maybe you’re one of the blessed ones and all of your children pay perfect attention and are thrilled to participate in all their subjects. But if you’re like most, you have at least one student that makes completing math problems or writing a paragraph like pulling teeth. So what can you [...]
At dawn an old man was walking along the beach, where thousands of starfish were stranded and lay dying because of the low tide. The man saw a little boy throwing them back into the sea. Thinking himself very wise, he said to the boy, Why are you doing that? It won’t make any difference. The boy bent down, picked up a starfish, threw it back into the sea and said, It makes a difference to this one. Modified from a parable by Loren Eisley
Thank you, faithful readers, for patiently waiting with us for our new website.  Bad news, it’s still not ready.  Good news, it is awfully close — close enough, in fact, that we can share a taste of it with you.  The temporary link is http://parentalrights.easycgi.com/.  Feel free to click on it and take a look [...]
Help your kids have a colorful closet with these fun hanger crafts from FamilyFun.com.
This hearty chili is truly a snap to prepare. After browning the beef and stirring in the spices to give them a slightly toasted flavor, you simply toss everything into a slow cooker and let the mixture simmer all day.
-by Mimi Rothschild When you go to cut your Christmas tree, send the kids around to gather up a good sack of pine cones as well. Use them for some fun, hands-on lessons. Make a pine cone bird feeder.  This is a satisfyingly messy project. Before you begin, do some research with your students to determine what [...]
This is a tropical treat to enjoy in the North when snow is up to your knees.