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What to do with all those great leftovers the day after having a big turkey? This year, before piling them on a plate and heading for the microwave, consider showing your child how to turn them into a savory hot dish that's on everyone's list of favorite comfort foods: turkey potpie.
Have fun playing this indoor game that is a twist on boccie ball.
Join the Homeschooler Next Door as we sit with Jessica Hulcy, founder of the KONOS curriculum. Having 4 boys to teach Jessica quickly found that she needed more than seat work. Listen and learn how this innovative lady turned her need into a curriculum for thousands.
I promised SWMBO that I would get her a computer for downstairs. I thought it might be interesting to try a Mac this time around, so we now have one of these (the black one), which we bought here. Just got it turned on, but so far it seems pretty fun. This post is [...]
You must go and read the Amazon.com Reviews for Tuscan Whole Milk.  You will not be disappointed.  Funny stuff! Caveat 1: I’m sure more reviews will be added.  They may not be as funny. Caveat 2: Some of the reviews are not appropriate for younger eyes. Caveat 3: At the time of this posting, there were 622 reviews.  [...]
-by Mimi Rothschild Children are all different. This is one of the reasons that homeschooling is such a blessing for so many families. Teaching your children at home allows you to respond to the different needs, the varied interests, and the strengths and weaknesses of each child. But there are some things that we can expect of [...]
At dawn an old man was walking along the beach, where thousands of starfish were stranded and lay dying because of the low tide. The man saw a little boy throwing them back into the sea. Thinking himself very wise, he said to the boy, Why are you doing that? It won’t make any difference. The boy bent down, picked up a starfish, threw it back into the sea and said, It makes a difference to this one. Modified from a parable by Loren Eisley
Spell out joy with this festive holiday decorations on this holiday card; another great holiday craft from FamilyFun.com.
This snack-time staple has applesauce for moisture, and diced apples because, well, they taste great.
Tired of the same old turkey soup? Cook up a pot of this zesty stew, flavored with cumin and chili powder.
This hearty chili is truly a snap to prepare. After browning the beef and stirring in the spices to give them a slightly toasted flavor, you simply toss everything into a slow cooker and let the mixture simmer all day.
Butternut squash, sweet onions and ham give this hearty soup a distinctive flavor that's great for fall or winter.
This meatless "vigil borscht" is traditionally served in Polish households on Christmas Eve, when tradition requires a no meat meal.
-by Mimi Rothschild When you go to cut your Christmas tree, send the kids around to gather up a good sack of pine cones as well. Use them for some fun, hands-on lessons. Make a pine cone bird feeder.  This is a satisfyingly messy project. Before you begin, do some research with your students to determine what [...]
With all those rich chocolate chips set against a striking orange background, this kid favorite isn't just delicious, it's pretty too. For a healthier option, substitute raisins for the chocolate chips.
This is a tropical treat to enjoy in the North when snow is up to your knees.
This game requires a bit of prep but is well worth the effort. Put a small prize in a small box, tape it well, and gift wrap it.
This game involves lots of pats on the back and laughs, so it's perfect for family gatherings.
This cardboard and fleece tree performs the amazing feat of keeping all your holiday cards organized.
With peppermint extract and red food coloring, your kids can turn this simple dough into edible ornaments for the tree.
Although your kids may pick out all the lima beans in this classic side dish, they will have fun making it--and saying its name.
This game requires a bit of prep but is well worth the effort. Put a small prize in a small box, tape it well, and gift wrap it.
This alpine chalet is a cinch for even first-time home builders.
This year got historians and archaeologists all hot under the elbow patches.
This dish can be prepared a day ahead and reheated. Serve with white rice.