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K-12 mathematics, phonics, and physics.
A Catholic Curriculum provider, Kolbe does not require that the student be enrolled to take the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) offered through them.
Home preschooling themes, creative projects, and ideas for the younger crowd.
RightStart Mathematics curriculum is designed for homeschooling, using the abacus teaching method.
Three Windows 95/98 math programs for children ages 6-12 including Math Maker, a math activities printing program.
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What to do with all those great leftovers the day after having a big turkey? This year, before piling them on a plate and heading for the microwave, consider showing your child how to turn them into a savory hot dish that's on everyone's list of favorite comfort foods: turkey potpie.
Contact your Representative today and urge them to support the Parental Rights Amendment. The Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment bill has just been introduced in the House of Representatives! Our bill number is H. J. Res 97. You can read the language of the bill by visiting http://thomas.loc.gov and searching for the bill number. Rep. Pete Hoekstra introduced [...]
Wow! The Georgia Institute of Technology is today unveiling what some experts believe is a much broader approach to the problem. The institute has abolished the core curriculum for computer science undergraduates — a series of courses in hardware and software design, electrical engineering and mathematics. These courses, in various forms, have been the backbone of [...]
The Starfish Country Home School aspires to be the best school in northern Thailand. The school will accept needy children without regard to their religious affiliation and national or ethnic origin and will provide them a quality education that emphasizes communication skills in Thai and English, technology, mathematics, visual and performing arts, international cultures and developing respect and compassion for others. The Starfish Country Home School Foundation will provide a safe and secure modern residence and personal guidance for all of its students as they mature. Those children that can achieve the required academic excellence will remain at the school until they are ready to attend university and will be further supported at university. The education will always be free, diversified and directed to meet the needs, interests and abilities of the individual student.
At dawn an old man was walking along the beach, where thousands of starfish were stranded and lay dying because of the low tide. The man saw a little boy throwing them back into the sea. Thinking himself very wise, he said to the boy, Why are you doing that? It won’t make any difference. The boy bent down, picked up a starfish, threw it back into the sea and said, It makes a difference to this one. Modified from a parable by Loren Eisley
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