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Here's an easy-to-make greeting with a sense of humor, inspired by the movie "Monsters, Inc."; another great Valentine's Day craft from FamilyFun.com.
Reports of another Montauk Monster are circulating the web.
New footage of Champ, the monster said to inhabit Vermont's Lake Champlain, was recently released.
Monster Exchange is designed to encourage the development of reading and writing skills while integrating Internet technology into the classroom curriculum. Classrooms from a variety of schools worldwide are paired together; the students in each classroom are split into groups, each of which designs an original picture of a monster. The students must then write a description of the monster. The partnered classes then exchange their descriptions via e-mail and the Internet. These students are then challenged to use reading comprehension skills to read the descriptions and translate them into a monster picture. The true challenge involves creating a redrawn picture as close to the original picture as possible without looking at the original and using only the written description of the monster.