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Searched: Letters


Happy Holidays - the 2007 SCHSF Annual Letter is now posted here (http://www.schsf.org/newsletters/SCHSF_2007_Annual_Letter.pdf).
Letters from Benjamin Franklin have been uncovered the British Library, unseen for 250 years.
Interested in learning strategies to teach about the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights using Library of Congress primary sources? Register to attend the Library of Congress Creating the US Teacher Institute. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their schools. The institute uses the Library's exhibition Creating the United States as its foundation. Learn how to make this era in our country’s history “come alive” for student using images, manuscripts, letters, photographs, maps, and poetry.
FDA issues warning letters to companies marketing vaping products containing herbal extracts, vitamins, or essential oils. These products, also marketed as inhalers, diffusers, and personal aromatherapy devices, are illegally marketed with unproven health claims.