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Searched: Frugal


Deana of The Frugal Homeschooling Mom wrote to me about a giveaway she is doing, and when I checked it out I discovered a treasure of freebies, great deals, frugal living ideas, and more on her site.
I know with such a busy life, taking care of yourself can often slip by the wayside. Believe it or not, there are some easy ways to do little things that will help improve your overall health and not break your time or money budget! So, let’s talk about simple and frugal ways to live...
Let’s face it, most of us could stand to have some extra money in our pockets! Between raising our families and homeschooling, the budget can be pretty tight, especially with the way the costs of things just seem to be soaring. But trimming costs in little ways here and there can add up and make...