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Searched: Cone


-by Mimi Rothschild When you go to cut your Christmas tree, send the kids around to gather up a good sack of pine cones as well. Use them for some fun, hands-on lessons. Make a pine cone bird feeder.  This is a satisfyingly messy project. Before you begin, do some research with your students to determine what [...]
These colorful cones trimmed with candy canes and sparkly sequins look as though they came from the set of the 1964 TV classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Scientists refer to it as a vapor cone, shock collar, or shock egg or a Prandtl-Glauert singularity.
Injectable dermal fillers are medical devices regulated by the FDA. But no injectable filler is FDA-approved for large-scale body contouring or body enhancement. Injectable silicone and other unapproved products to fill the buttocks, breast, or spaces between muscles should be avoided.