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Change is coming.  No, I’m not talking about Barack Obama or John McCain (and aren’t you glad!).  I’m talking about big changes in the works here at ParentalRights.org. With Election Day tomorrow, voters across the country will choose not only a president, but the 111th Congress.  Once that happens, we will get to know the new [...]
Change is coming.  No, I’m not talking about Barack Obama or John McCain (and aren’t you glad!).  I’m talking about big changes in the works here at ParentalRights.org. With Election Day tomorrow, voters across the country will choose not only a president, but the 111th Congress.  Once that happens, we will get to know the new [...]
I'm really not making this stuff up, read the report about the PTA vice-president and mom seducing the teenage boy here. Your children are NOT safe in public school.  It used to be that you only had to worry about the male teachers, coaches, and volunteers around children.  Blame feminism, blame pornography, blame abortion... it doesn't matter.  All that matters is that your children are not safe in public school.  Even if you have only been considering homeschooling... start your home school now. The educational establishment in America really has pulled the wool over most parents' eyes. Almost every parent teaches their child to speak English or whatever is their primary language. They've done the bulk of the teaching of the basics. But the establishment has put this aura around education and (says) only certified teachers should be teaching. Those teachers are less qualified than you to teach your children. You know them... they don't. "What about socialization?" goes the establishment programmed response. "Do you think Americans are well socialized?" I always ask people who ask me the socialization question. They usually falter, especially after I remind them about the astronomical rate of family breakups, that workplace and school violence is escalating, that one in five high school students graduates with a sexually transmitted disease, etc.  Then I ask the inquirer what social skills he or she considers vital.  They usually cite the ability to get along with others or to communicate well with others. I ask them, "Do you think the typical public school teen can naturally have a meaningful conversation with a senior citizen – or with you?  And why not?  Could it be that being forced with people the exact same age as you all day, most days of the year does not mirror the real world -- where you need to adjust your social graces to all ages -- and actually produces a dysfunctional form of socialization?"  As a Christian homeschooler, I tell them, I can give my children consistent instruction on how to get along with others, and from the ultimate best source – the words of Christ such as "Do unto others..."  By the end of the conversation, the inquirer is often convinced that homeschooling can in fact be a great way to socialize children -- the right way. It's inevitable that you will receive criticism for considering homeschooling.  It's a spiritual battle, and the media has been used to turn hearts against the most Biblical form of education.  People are quick to tell you the negatives of homeschooling they have heard (and most of them are myths) but they don't know about the joys and good fruit.  By coming to our meetings, you can learn about the many blessings of homeschooling, as well as the actual challenges. Every meeting makes you more knowledgeable and confident.
From another report about poisoned toys coming from China: "Customs and Border Protection officers assigned to the Port Everglades Trade Enforcement Team seized over 3,500 toys in two separate merchandise seizures entering Port Everglades from China, the agency said on Friday..." "The federal officers also made another seizure at Port Everglades involving 1,440 toy soldiers also coming from China. Officials from the Consumer Product Safety Commission tested the toys and determined that these toy soldiers contained excessive lead in the paint and were in violation of the lead paint ban as they posed lead poisoning hazard." If you home school like we do, you are shielded from the peer driven and media driven demand for this plastic stuff.  Sure, we would like to have some of this otherwise neat stuff... but our love for the Chinese people who suffer under communism far outweighs our desire to amuse ourselves. While most Americans have probably forgotten the Chinese toys of death scare from 2007... below is a repost that explains my sentiments: Chinese "Date Rape" Beads of Death The Herald Tribune is reporting that "Aqua Dots" Chinese-made children's toys contain the 'date rape' drug. Scientists say a chemical coating on the beads, when ingested, metabolizes into the so-called date rape drug gamma hydroxy butyrate. When eaten, the compound — made from common and easily available ingredients — can induce unconsciousness, seizures, drowsiness, coma and death. Could this Chinese toy thing get any stranger?  Lead, asbestos, gamma hydroxy butyrate... could they try any harder to make this look like a sinister communist plot to kill American children? We have long boycotted Chinese made products -- yes, it is possible.  It takes more time shopping and sometimes we go home empty handed.  But, like most Americans, who needs more stuff?  As someone who loves toys, those three little words - Made in China - sure help us save a lot of money.  Try it; just put the stuff back on the shelf. Our little family is like a chorus going through a toy store: "Made in China", "Made in China", "Made in China".  I believe those are the first words most of our children learned to read -- dad's homeschool of consumer awareness.  Our little boycott started, not because of consumer safety reasons, but because the communists represent real evil in this world.  Christians are persecuted in China.  Political freedom is suppressed.  Individual expression is punished.  Information is controlled by the state.  Every industry profits from slave labor (through forced labor of political prisoners in energy and mining).  And, women are forced to have abortions. Also, a portion of every dollar that goes to China gets invested into the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army), China's military, which is engaged in a great strategic expansion in anticipation of the coming conflict with the United States.  Historically, China views the United States as an enemy.  All of their military build-up is targeted at countering the United States -- anti-satellite weapons to target our communications, blue water navy and submarines to counter our aircraft carriers, hacking to disrupt our information infrastructure, anti-surface missiles to counter our navy, short and medium range missiles to target Taiwan and US bases in Asia, ICBM's to target American cities. Please pray that this coming conflict does not come to pass.  Pray that the communist government of China would be destroyed and freedom would come to the Chinese people.  Too long have they suffered under the suppression of totalitarian government (at key historical points reinforced by western powers).  The Unknown Rebel In 1989 brave individuals stood up for political reform in China, the result was death and prison for thousands.  The west largely ignored these tyrannical acts and expanded trade relations with China.  Trade has done little since then to give the Chinese people political freedom.  Instead, the power of the communist dictators has been reinforced and strengthened by the influx of western cash. Please stop giving your cash to China; instead give them your prayers and determination to see them free to worship Christ as you do.  Don't you think that is a better lesson for your children then that plastic (and perhaps lead painted) toy?
I just finished two seminars on the Ultimate Women’s Expo where I covered the Truth About Fitness and Diets Make You fat.  The theme of the expo is New Year/New You.  I think fitness and dieting fit in there pretty well. It was awesome to be invited onto the show.  They have plenty more shows coming up that will encourage and uplift you.  I don’t know how  many women were actually on the radio show, but it sure felt good to speak the true, hard facts about fat loss without all the fluff that is so common in the media today. If you still think you can lose body fat by vacuuming and parking further away from the doors of the supermarket, you definitely need to listen to this call.  If you missed the live taping, you can purchase a ticket to the expo and get the recordings, as well as, all the free gifts I am giving away.  If you were on the show, please give me your feedback, questions or comments regarding the seminars.  I’d love to hear your thoughts. Post from: Homeschool Fitness Coach
Guest Post By Liz Donnelly of www.FamilyFitnessGuru.com 1. Put on that fitness-minded personality Wether you desire a flat belly or just the time to workout, you have to start it all with your attitude. If you are determined to improve your fitness “no matter what,” the you will most likely be successful. Usually this takes the manifestation of anger with your appearance or lack of energy or poor health. Once you’ve made up your mind to be fit, then it’s time to don that “fit-minded personality.” This is where you tell yourself multiple times daily that you have a tight mid-section, that you deserve a flat belly, if that’s your goal, for instance. Promise yourself that you’ll do something every day to work to that end. Your subconscious will listen to you. It doesn’t decipher between good and bad affirmations, it will simply apply what you always tell it. Are you saying or letting others say that you’re “fat” or “overweight” or “thick-waisted”? Time to change those words into “slender” or “sleek” or “tight”. This is also part of changing yourself from the top down, so to speak. What you think about yourself has great impact on your esteem, performance and outcomes. For example, becoming more aware of your body will get you to focus on changes to make like sitting or standing tall to prevent your belly from popping outward. You can apply fixing yourself from the top down in all aspects of your life not just fitness. (For example, telling yourself to have patience will help you be more inclined to notice those times when you are losing your temper.) The big lesson here, especially if you’re the kind of mom or dad who puts him or herself last on the priority list, is that you do need your self-improvement time and that you do need the increased energy, self confidence, strength, etc. to help you meet your many demands, especially keeping up with your kids, right? So the next step is just as important: 2. Get educated on fitness So many people lose their desire to workout and eat well because they either tune out the important messages that tell them why they must do so, or they possibly are not aware of the reasons. So the more you educate yourself on exercise and nutrition, the better off you’ll be to be inspired to keep yourself and your family health and active. This website is a good place to start. In particular, you can get FREE downloadable booklets on exercises for children and for yourself by subscribing to FamilyFitnessGuru updates. Look at the upper right side of the page above the side margin. There are also a host of books on the topic of fitness and articles in the paper on almost a daily level. Scour what you can and be informed. After all, you know yourself and your family best and you will remain motivated to stay fit the more you keep in touch with good information. 3. Now, it’s time to make time for fitness Getting a better working body does take time. If your particularly out of shape, then you must realize that it probably took some time for you to degenerate to this level. Even if you relatively fit, you still need to build in time for your workouts. Talk it over with your spouse, partner or own brain (if you’re a single parent like me) and literally write down and schedule your workouts. For me, I have to do some of my workouts during the week before I teach my 5:45 a.m. Fitcamp class. At other times, I have to schedule evenings after the kids go to bed. If you are with a partner, then you can alternate times to best suit your schedules, especially if the kids are awake and need supervision. If you’re a single parent and you are the residential parent, meaning the kids are with you the majority of the time, then you will have to do a little creative planning and think outside the box as to how you’ll get child care and get the freedom to work out. Many gyms have daycare-style facilities at which you can leave your kids for the duration of your exercising. Of course, if you don’t belong to a gym, then your next course of action is enlisting babysitting help with neighbors, friends or relatives. The next step is to join a local civic group that has a lot of parents as members (like a Junior Women’s Club (for moms) or Early Childhood PTA or regular PTA (for moms and dads). Some times making inquiries within groups like these will give you leads of fellow parents who are in a babysitting network. There is typically no charge for something like this. Your only payment is being available to watch someone else’s kids. There are options for just about any situation in terms of finding time (really its making the time) for your workouts. If you really want it, then you will make it work for you. (I hope you really want it!) 4. Do it! Nike has it right, if they still use that old tagline, that is. You really just have to start exercising. Your body was made to move. So, if your parts seem the Tin Man’s after a rain storm, then it’s all the more reason to continue to do your workouts consistently and stay “oiled up.” “What’s ample?” you might ask. Building an hour and a half weekly is a good place for beginners (30 minutes 3x/week). From there, you can add an additional 30 minutes. Ideally, you want to put in 5-6 days of movement. And it doesn’t have to be in the form of a formal workout. Schlepping things around in the garden or shoveling snow are excellent ways (depending on how intense) to move and burn calories. “What exercises do I do?” Well, start by signing up for FamilyFitnessGuru updates (look at the upper right area of the side margin) so you can download the “Top 5 Exercises for Moms & Dads.” You’ll get tons of details on how to perform those basic exercises to help you get on the road to fitness. My hope is that you’ll be consistent with your plan and notice results to help you stay motivated. Good luck and keep forging ahead! Post from: Homeschool Fitness Coach
Are your kids on MySpace or Facebook?  Then they may be facing the same dangers that they might in public school.   According to the New York Times and Washington Post, MySpace has deleted 29,000 registered sexual predators from its membership and Facebook is not far behind... and those are just the sexual predators that they found out about! The good news is that there is a full featured, parent driven social networking site on the way just for Christian homeschoolers.  I can't divulge too much right now as the project is still in development, but the principals are interested in finding likeminded Christian homeschoolers as investors and ministry partners for this new online community. If you are interested in becoming an investor or ministry partner in this ground floor opportunity, please email homeschoolspace@gmail.com.
My husband and I decided to start following Dave Ramsey’s, Total Money Makeover.  We’re already on a roll by getting our emergency fund saved and actually bit off a bit of our credit card debt.  It’s pretty exciting.  My biggest obstacle has been the grocery bill.  I used to be rather good at spending only $60 every two weeks for groceries, but I just haven’t paid much attention to what I’m spending lately with my busy-ness and I was shocked to discover that one month our bill totalled over $700!  So, I was on a mission today to see if I could stay within a $150 budget.  Now, I know there are women out there who spend a lot less on their weekly grocery bill, but you got to start somewhere.  I have found a few blogs that are very helpful with letting you know what the weekly deals are and coupons to use, etc.  So, I headed out today with my list for 4 different stores.  It took me about 1 1/2 hours to shop and I only spent $118.  Wow!  So, now the competitive streak in me has been awakened and I want to beat my PR next week!  Ha!  I will be studying the Walgreens and CVS tips on different blogs and figuring out how to make my coupons work hard for me.  I see a new addiction coming on.  My 12 week Storm Force Fitness challenge has been coming along wonderfully.  I have dropped 2% bodyfat in the last 3 weeks even though I only got 2 of the 4 workouts done last week due to business getting in the way.  I am making up for them this week while everyone else is enjoying a more relaxed week.  Ugh!  I am getting ready to launch my first book this week.  I have a few technical problems to fix with my webhost and my covers for the book and CD’s are being created right now.  Hope to have it all done soon.  I feel like it has already taken an eternity. Here is my workout plan today: Storm Force Pulse Pyramid II - 30 minute workout Meal Plan: Meal 1:  1 egg, 3 egg whites, spinach, red peppers, .5 oz colby jack cheese Meal 2:  Cottage cheese and blueberries, almonds Meal 3:  Cantaloupe and 4 cheese cubes (while shopping) Meal 4:  Post workout shake, apple, almonds Meal 5:  Homemade chicken soup in the crockpot Meal 6:  1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, 12 almonds Post from: Homeschool Fitness Coach
Kathy Lowers, Founder of Considering Homeschooling This week we are hoping to hear some happy cheeping from the chicken eggs we are incubating.  Homeschooling is ideal for do-it-yourself living creature projects and the butterfly, lady bug, praying mantis, silk worm projects -- to name a few -- that we have done were easy and yet so valuable. How wondrous it is to view the metamorphosis of one of God’s creatures, right in your own home. A public school classroom might have a fish tank with some leaves and a chrysalis or an incubator with some eggs; the students may or may not see the butterfly or chicks emerge during school hours.  Their teacher might teach the life cycle of a butterfly or chicken, but no credit to the Creator could be given. In contrast, Christian parents who teach their children at home find that such a project rises to an infinitely higher dimension.  At home, there is a bonding between parents and children and among siblings as they experience a living miracle -- and there is a resulting acknowledgement and awe of the One who designed it. So, I jumped at the chance when a homeschooling 4-H mom offered her incubator and a clutch of chicken eggs.  Never having incubated eggs before, I assumed it would be a cinch, just like a cocoon.  Just pop the eggs in the incubator and after a while, you would get your chicks, right?   After some web sites, books and experience regarding this subject, the children and I discovered that incubating can be a complicated and risky process. For one, the incubator we have is not the expensive, digital kind that controls its own temperature and humidity.  It is the old-fashioned version where you have to keep checking the temperature, which seems to meander up and down on a whim.  A few times it got below or above the instructed 99.5 degrees, and we panicked, tweaking it back to the proper temperature, but wondering did the fluctuation affect the chicks? Chicks cannot survive extreme temperature deviations.  And then you have to keep the humidity at the ideal level, which varies according to where you are in the 21 day cycle.  You have to add water into special wells in the incubator.  If there is not enough water, the chicks will stick to the shells.  If too much humidity is present, the chicks will drown. Eggs in an incubator must also be turned several times a day.  A hen instinctively turns her eggs to keep the developing embryos from sticking to the sides of the shell. One of more interesting aspects of the incubator project is “candling” the eggs. You shine a light through the eggs to see if you can determine if there is life in them; sometimes you see a beating heart or movement -- very cool.  What you usually find is that some eggs were never fertile while others started growing but “quit” -- either because the environment was not right or just because they were not meant to make it.  You have to remove the non-living ones because they could explode. Out of fourteen eggs we had five infertile ones, two rotten ones, and seven that may or may not make it -- we’ll know in about three days.  I have to admit I have felt pretty incompetent and stressed when I thought the humidity or temperature was off.  But, we tried our very best to give these eggs the cleanest, safest, most conducive environment possible for coming out healthy.  That, along with prayer, gives us some optimism. I could not help realizing there is a strong analogy here between incubating eggs and raising up children.  While at the beginning all the eggs appear the same, all children start out with such potential, such seeming innocence before some are destroyed by the way of the world. But some Christian parents think that they can place the fragile soul of a child in any old environment, like the extreme anti-God environment of government schools, believing that child will come out just fine through going to Sunday school 45 minutes each week. These naïve parents imagine their child being a great evangelist to all the other youngsters there, not realizing their child is being evangelized more smoothly and intensely, by humanist teachers and curriculum. By the time the process is nearing the end, some have really become rotten, both eggs and children.  While sometimes there was no preventing a bad egg, Christian parents putting their children in the perverted incubators of the public schools is by far the biggest contributor to failed children. If you are a loving parent who really knows Jesus and adheres to His Word in all you do, if you can create an uplifting, safe, inspiring Christian environment for children in your home – and I am convinced most real Believers are more than capable of this -- then you should be homeschooling.  Don’t let the world incubate the souls of your children; God gave that job to you!
Kathy Lowers, Founder of Considering Homeschooling This week we are hoping to hear some happy cheeping from the chicken eggs we are incubating.  Homeschooling is ideal for do-it-yourself living creature projects and the butterfly, lady bug, praying mantis, silk worm projects -- to name a few -- that we have done were easy and yet so valuable. How wondrous it is to view the metamorphosis of one of God’s creatures, right in your own home. A public school classroom might have a fish tank with some leaves and a chrysalis or an incubator with some eggs; the students may or may not see the butterfly or chicks emerge during school hours.  Their teacher might teach the life cycle of a butterfly or chicken, but no credit to the Creator could be given. In contrast, Christian parents who teach their children at home find that such a project rises to an infinitely higher dimension.  At home, there is a bonding between parents and children and among siblings as they experience a living miracle -- and there is a resulting acknowledgement and awe of the One who designed it. So, I jumped at the chance when a homeschooling 4-H mom offered her incubator and a clutch of chicken eggs.  Never having incubated eggs before, I assumed it would be a cinch, just like a cocoon.  Just pop the eggs in the incubator and after a while, you would get your chicks, right?   After some web sites, books and experience regarding this subject, the children and I discovered that incubating can be a complicated and risky process. For one, the incubator we have is not the expensive, digital kind that controls its own temperature and humidity.  It is the old-fashioned version where you have to keep checking the temperature, which seems to meander up and down on a whim.  A few times it got below or above the instructed 99.5 degrees, and we panicked, tweaking it back to the proper temperature, but wondering did the fluctuation affect the chicks? Chicks cannot survive extreme temperature deviations.  And then you have to keep the humidity at the ideal level, which varies according to where you are in the 21 day cycle.  You have to add water into special wells in the incubator.  If there is not enough water, the chicks will stick to the shells.  If too much humidity is present, the chicks will drown. Eggs in an incubator must also be turned several times a day.  A hen instinctively turns her eggs to keep the developing embryos from sticking to the sides of the shell. One of more interesting aspects of the incubator project is “candling” the eggs. You shine a light through the eggs to see if you can determine if there is life in them; sometimes you see a beating heart or movement -- very cool.  What you usually find is that some eggs were never fertile while others started growing but “quit” -- either because the environment was not right or just because they were not meant to make it.  You have to remove the non-living ones because they could explode. Out of fourteen eggs we had five infertile ones, two rotten ones, and seven that may or may not make it -- we’ll know in about three days.  I have to admit I have felt pretty incompetent and stressed when I thought the humidity or temperature was off.  But, we tried our very best to give these eggs the cleanest, safest, most conducive environment possible for coming out healthy.  That, along with prayer, gives us some optimism. I could not help realizing there is a strong analogy here between incubating eggs and raising up children.  While at the beginning all the eggs appear the same, all children start out with such potential, such seeming innocence before some are destroyed by the way of the world. But some Christian parents think that they can place the fragile soul of a child in any old environment, like the extreme anti-God environment of government schools, believing that child will come out just fine through going to Sunday school 45 minutes each week. These naïve parents imagine their child being a great evangelist to all the other youngsters there, not realizing their child is being evangelized more smoothly and intensely, by humanist teachers and curriculum. By the time the process is nearing the end, some have really become rotten, both eggs and children.  While sometimes there was no preventing a bad egg, Christian parents putting their children in the perverted incubators of the public schools is by far the biggest contributor to failed children. If you are a loving parent who really knows Jesus and adheres to His Word in all you do, if you can create an uplifting, safe, inspiring Christian environment for children in your home – and I am convinced most real Believers are more than capable of this -- then you should be homeschooling.  Don’t let the world incubate the souls of your children; God gave that job to you!
Are your kids on MySpace or Facebook?  Then they may be facing the same dangers that they might in public school.   According to the New York Times and Washington Post, MySpace has deleted 29,000 registered sexual predators from its membership and Facebook is not far behind... and those are just the sexual predators that they found out about! The good news is that there is a full featured, parent driven social networking site on the way just for Christian homeschoolers.  I can't divulge too much right now as the project is still in development, but the principals are interested in finding likeminded Christian homeschoolers as investors and ministry partners for this new online community. If you are interested in becoming an investor or ministry partner in this ground floor opportunity, please email homeschoolspace@gmail.com.
There are many of you who cannot afford homeschooling curriculum this year. Does that mean that you should put your children into public school? No, what it means is that it is time to get creative, even inventive, when it comes to our children’s education. And this is your place to start. I am going to share with you my top 5 “must-have” homeschooling resources that won’t cost you a dime. Bookmark each of these sites and refer to them often as you prepare and teach your children during this upcoming school year.
Brightstorm Math uses online video to comprehensively cover the topics found in major textbooks, state frameworks and NCTM standards: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Precalculus (Calculus coming soon!). The site contains over 1,800 engaging online videos with clear and concise concept explanations and sample problems.
Hi Everyone! Check out my NEW recipe blog!http://4HungryKiddos.blogspot.comMore recipes to come!!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
This contest has ended.I came across the most adorable shop on Etsy.... It's called The Woobie Shop, and the owner makes the coolest crafts!!! As a matter of fact, she was so booked up, we had to schedule this giveaway in advance! :)She was so generous to send me a sampling of her items- my girls have LOVED them! As you know, we are in the car ALOT, and these items have not only helped with our car organization, but have helped to keep the kids entertained! You will love the variety of items she has in her shop!The package included the following: A crayon holder/wrap, a reusable, lined snack bag with velcro closure, a Kleenex cover, and an adorable button hair bow to match!!!! Check it out-Here is the crayon roll, all tied up and ready to go!The reusable snack bag was a big hit- my 4YO had to run off immediately and fill it with snacks! The velcro enclosure ensures that nothing will sneek out of it!How cute is the Kleenex holder??? And this just took the cake- a matching button hairbow!! I love it!!And THIS is the gift I bought for my neice's birthday! How adorable is it??? The Woobie Shop hand-stamps these necklaces with the initial of your choice, adds a Swarovsky Crystal, and ships it off in an adorable tin!! I love them!The Woobie Shop is offering a $10 shopping spree to one lucky winner! her prices are so affordable, you will be able to choose most any item!To enter, please do any or all of the following:1. Comment below, with your email address2. Visit "The Woobie Shop" store by clicking HERE, and leave a comment telling me what you love in their shop!For optional additional entries, please…3. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do.4. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do.5. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.6. Email this contest out to your friends, and copy me on it at vaagen@bellsouth.net7. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/2837082564. Comment below that you did.8. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HEREThe winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Monday, August 3rd at 6pm. Good luck!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
Do you have a furry little one in your life?Do you love to spoil your furry friend?Stonewall Jackson, my Chihuahua, has a closet full of clothes. He loves to show them off when we go out, because he gets even more attention that way! When Posh Puppy Boutique sent me a preppy little sweater vest for my little Stonewall, he was thrilled. Here he is in his new vest. He has his paparazzi look perfected! (see below)Stoney1 Stoney2 I discovered Posh Puppy Boutique, an adorable online store that sells EVERYTHING your pup’s little heart could ever desire.Here are some of my favorite items from their store…post giraffe posh dressposh stroller posh shoesPosh Puppy Boutique even has Live Support on their website! You can shop for cat clothes, gift certificates, hair products, treats, memorial items… anything you can think of!The products they carry are by the best designers out there, such as Juicy Couture!Posh Puppy Boutique has been featured on “Good Day Sacramento,” in Dog Fancy Magazine, in the Continental Kennel Club Magazine… and the list goes on and on!Don’t have time to shop? No worries!Posh Puppy Boutique even has a Personal Shopper link!Wouldn’t you LOVE to have your own Posh Puppy Boutique item?The Posh Puppy Boutique has been generous enough to offer one reader of Vaagen Family Blog a $25 gift certificate to their store!How can you enter?1. Comment below, with your email address2. Visit the Posh Puppy Boutique Site by clicking HERE, and leave a comment telling me what you love the most!3. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do.4. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do.5. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.6. Subscribe to the Posh Puppy website by clicking HERE.7. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3665895083. Comment below that you did.8. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HEREThe winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Friday, September 11th at 6pm. Good luck!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
We've all heard the statistics- We've all seen the numbers-But are you still drinking from plastic water bottles?If so, here are some shocking numbers for you!Plastic water bottles ARE recyclable, so you may think a reusable bottle is a non-issue. However, very few folks recycle their bottles. 8 out of 10 plastic water bottles end up in landfills according to the Container Recycling Institute (CRI). The Earth Policy Institute notes that it takes about 1.5 million barrels of oil yearly to make plastic water bottles. Lastly, just to manufacture plastic bottles is harmful for the planet. Creating plastics over and over again, releases chemicals into our air, soil, and water supply. Not to mention that these same chemicals can be leached into your child’s beverage from the plastic bottle. Bottled water is no bargain either: It costs 240 to 10,000 times more than tap water. For the price of one bottle of Evian, a San Franciscan can receive 1,000 gallons of tap water. Forty percent of bottled water should be labeled bottled tap water because that is exactly what it is. Read more HERE.So what can you do to help?Buy a Pura Stainless Steel Bottle!Pura Stainless Bottles believe it is not enough to drink from a stainless bottle if it is still sealed with a plastic cap! That's why their caps are also stainless steel! They are durable, and built to last!Pura Stainless Bottles have many perks:Food service grade 18/8 stainless steel 100% BPA-free Lifetime Warranty Stainless Steel Cap Large Mouth Makes Filling & Cleaning a Snap Selected as one of the TOP 50 Small Businesses of 2009 Now, if you're impatient like me, and you don't want to wait for the giveaway to end, simply go to THIS SITE, pick out your water bottles, and use the code VAAGEN when checking out to receive 20% off your order!!If you'd like to enter to win, please do the following:1. Comment below, with your email address2. Visit the PURA site by clicking HERE, and leave a comment telling me which bottle you love the most!3. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do.4. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do.5. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.6. Email this contest out to your friends, and copy me on it at vaagen@bellsouth.net7. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3629953775. Comment below that you did.8. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HEREThe winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Saturday, September 5th at 6pm. Good luck!Remember, if you'd like to order a bottle now, and save 20%, just click here, and enter the code VAAGEN at the checkout.Good luck!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
I finally just synced my iGoogle with Facebook, Blogger and Twitter. I'm good to go!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
Drop what you’re doing, and head over to the Julie Knowles Pottery Store on Etsy! Visit her site: CLICK MEWhen she sent me her pottery to review, I instantly put it on TOP of my china cabinet, so it would be front and foremost for people to see as they come through the front door!Now, I love it so much, I got a custom candle poured into it, so it can be a permanent centerpiece in my kitchen!Julie Knowles Pottery is obviously VERY carefully made, and much effort was put into each detail. I love the glossy coating. It really makes it stand out from the rest of my pottery! I chose the polka dot bowl, because I am a polka dot fanatic! The colors were perfectly represented on her website! I am a fast fan of Julie Knowles, and will be ordering plenty of Christmas gifts from her!Here are a few of her pieces from her site!bowl nesting plate plate vase GORGEOUS, right??HOW MUCH would you love to OWN a Julie Knowles piece????Julie is offering a $15 shopping spree in her Etsy store! Her peices are very affordable, so you will have a ball shopping!To enter, please do any or all of the following:1. Comment below, with your email address2. Visit the Julie Knowles Pottery site by clicking HERE. Send Julie Knowles a direct email at JulieKnowlesPottery@yahoo.com and telling her PERSONALLY which item on her site you adore the most! This is a really important step, because your feedback is very important to her! Please comment below that you emailed her. 3. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do.4. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do.5. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.6. Email this contest out to your friends, and copy me on it at vaagen@bellsouth.net7. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3559029974. Comment below that you did.8. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HEREThe winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Wednesday, September 9th at 6pm. Good luck!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
gamewright I LOVE the Gamewright Company! Do you know them yet? After reading this review, you will certainly want to add them to your gift idea list for Christmas!  From the Gamewright website:  “Gamewright was founded in 1994 by four parents whose kids wanted great games. From the start, our mission has remained clear: Create the highest quality family games with outstanding play-value. Guided by themes and experiences that transcend age and salted with a bit of irreverence, our games are designed to foster laughter, learning, friendship and fun.  Over the years our family has grown to over 50 games, 150 awards, and countless happy players.” Include my family in that “countless happy players” group! The Gamewright company was VERY generous in allowing me to review three of their brand new games!  My children LOVED playing with all of them.  I wish I could post a video review of the kids playing the games, but to anyone outside of my home, it would have just looked like pure chaos.  :) My youngest two children absolutely loved Ring-O Flamingo!  RingoFlamingo It is their new pastime.  It is perfect for younger children, since they picked up on the rules of the game immediately!  They are 2 and 4, and they weren’t the ONLY ones who loved the game.  My older two children also love playing it… and so do I! The object of the game:  Ring the most flamingos by shooting life preservers from your playing piece!  But be careful, don’t ring a crocodile instead!  Here is a picture of my kiddos having a ball playing it! 100_6513 The next game we reviewed was, “Do You See What I See?”. We had a great time trying to collect all of the items on our Keep Me tiles!  This game is based on the award winning book, “Can You See What I See?” by Walter Wick.  Just to prove to you that children of all ages can play this game, my two year old beat the pants off the entire rest of the family when we played this game!! canUsee The next amazing game they sent us was BOOCHIE!!  :)boochiepic This is just an incredibly fun game!  Think, horseshoes meets croquet, meets lawn darts, meets… well, I guess this game is actually just all-together unique!! Here is a picture of my kiddos having great fun with Boochie-  100_6521 Watch this great commercial on the Boochie Game! Now, it’s YOUR turn!! The Gamewright Company is offering YOUR FAMILY a 2009 Gamewright game of your OWN!! To enter, please do the following: Mandatory for Entry: Comment below, telling me which game from THIS GROUP you would love to own if you win.  Be sure to leave your email in the comment, in case you win! Become a follower of this blog, and comment that you do For Extra Entries: Retweet this contest (http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3393681764) and comment that you do Gain an extra entry for asking your friends to subscribe to this blog, and commenting with their screen name Post this contest to your Facebook page, and leave the URL in the comments below. Become a follower of this blog on its Facebook page, and comment that you do Favorite this blog on Technorati (link in right hand column of this blog), and comment that you do Place my blog button on your blogsite, and leave the URL below This contest will end on Tuesday, August 25th at 6pm EST.  GOOD LUCK! Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
Ratuki-logo-large If you’ve been a follower of my blog for very long, you know I am a BIG fan of games!!! Be sure to check all my current giveaways! There are 3 different games up for GIVEAWAY right now!! One for children (seen below in the Gamewright Review) and two for adults- Ratuki and Zip, both created by GaZima Games!!This is a review about one of my newest favorites- RATUKI!Ratuki_3dbt_print Ratuki is “The fast flippin', quick grabbin' card game!”My family is a busy family. Just to give you a glimpse into our lives, I’ll throw out these words that describe our weekly schedules-Husband that works constantly, homeschooling 4 kids, karate 3-4 days a week, real estate business, blog review business, music lessons for 3 children, field trips, homeschool group obligations, and… when I can… cleaning my house.So… When we finally all sit down together to play a game, it certainly can’t be a long one. This is one of the MANY reasons we love Ratuki!Ratuki_flatbb_print Ratuki is a super-fast, and super-fun card game, which is for 2-5 players, ages 7 and up!The object of Ratuki:In Ratuki™(ra-TOO-kee), everyone races to get rid of their cards and collect the most points by completing runs of five and shouting "Ratuki!" First player to 100 wins.Ratuki%20Cards_pr The cards are eye-catching in their many colors and designs! It makes you think fast, and move even faster! Even when I am watching others play it, it is so much fun!It is well-packaged in a small square box, so it is very easy to store, or pack for travelling!Would you love to win your own copy of Ratuki?Here’s how to enter to win!Visit the Barnes and Noble site by clicking HERE and tell me why you would love to own a copy of Ratuki! Be sure to check out the ratings while you’re there- it is one of the few games on the site that has the highest customer rating possible!Gain an extra entry by joining the GaZima Games mailing list by clicking HEREGain additional entries for each of the following:retweeting this contest: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3492136898 following this blogsubscribing to this blog in emailgrabbing my blog button and placing it on your sitefollowing this blog on Facebookrating this blog on TechnoratiThis contest will end on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 6pm! Good luck!!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
zip_name ANOTHER fabulous game from GaZima Games, Zip is unlike any game you’ve played before! Zip is “The Fastest Dice Game in the Universe!” zip Gazima Games as done it again! They have created another unique game that keeps you on your toes!  This game, like Ratuki, can be played in a matter of minutes, but keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time!  You will be rolling dice to quickly achieve a specific combination, and if you don’t, you cannot advance on the board! Your card might instruct you to roll a combination of all even numbers, or a “straight,” or even all 4’s!  When a card has a star on it, all players compete, and the rolling frenzy begins! My 11 year old son LOVES this game, and beats me regularly! Another thing I like about the Gazima Games is that they are very colorful, and eye-catching.  Here is a picture of the contents of the game box: zip2 The box is a small cube, which makes it easy to take along on trips,  and very easy to store when you aren’t playing it! Would you love to win your own copy of ZIP! ? Here’s how to enter to win! Visit the Barnes and Noble site by clicking HERE and tell me why you would love to own a copy of ZIP!  Be sure to check out the ratings while you’re there- it is one of the few games on the site that has the highest customer rating possible! Gain an extra entry by joining the GaZima Games mailing list by clicking HERE Gain additional entries for each of the following: retweeting this contest: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3492337388 following this blog subscribing to this blog in email grabbing my blog button and placing it on your site following this blog on Facebook rating this blog on Technorati This contest will end on Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 at 6pm!  Good luck!! Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
MunchieMug_logo-v4-md    Recently, I had the pleasure of reviewing a Munchie Mug, by Witty Works, Inc.  MunchieMug2 You need a Munchie Mug if… You have a young child You have a house that you like to keep somewhat clean! Your little one enjoys being a bit independent You enjoy your sanity enough to not follow your little one’s every step around the house to ensure there is no spillage!  :) I usually give my little ones dry cereal, chopped veggies, or goldfish crackers in zip-top snack bags, or small cups.  But inevitably the snacks end up all over the floor, or the dogs try to stick their noses in the kids’ snack cups!  Either way, it’s not a favorable situation! MunchieMug My favorite things about the Munchie Mug are: They are the perfect size for little hands! They have a WONDERFUL closure system that allows little hands in, and surrounds them by a super-soft material, while not allowing what’s inside the cup to spill out! They are covered in adorable designs, which my littlest ones loves to look at while snacking! They are VERY simple to clean They have an adorable handle on the top, which allows my little ones to haul it everywhere with them- and they do! As you can see… My little one even NAPS with hers sometimes!  :) Sleepy In order to win a Munchie Mug of your own… 1. Visit the Munchie Mug site by clicking HERE , and leave a comment telling me what you love the most! Want extra chances to win? 2. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do. 3. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do.  Gain another entry for each friend you persuade to follow this blog!  (Leave extra comments with each friend’s name- you will get an extra entry for each friend who is in my “follow” list!) 4. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do. 5. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet the details of this GREAT CONTEST on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3250714085. Comment below that you did. 6. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HERE The winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Tuesday, August 18 at 6pm. Good luck! Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
I had the pleasure of reviewing Skinny Dip Candles recently, and I was really amazed by them! They are truly unlike anything I've seen. You actually burn the candle, let the candle melt slightly, and then POUR the melted oils on your skin!! I know this sounds painful, but it is simply warm, nurturing lotion! My little girls even love it! They constantly ask me to rub it on them! You see, because of the ingredients in Skinny Dip Candles, they have a very low melt point. When fully melted they're just 102 degrees - and that's not even as warm as a hot tub!This is from the Skinny Dip website:Ingredients include: cosmetic-grade soy, avocado oil, coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, sunflower oil, cocoa butter, vitamin E, and scented oils for aroma. The ingredients are not only natural, but they are extremely rich and moisturizing. A little bit will go a very long way, so please use sparingly. When you use the right amount, the melted oils will soak into your skin completely within just a few minutes.How can you use the Skinny Dip Candle?Cuticle treatments - it's like a paraffin dip, only better! You don't have to remove the "wax."Dry elbows - the Skinny Dip Candle can be used melted, or unmelted and massaged directly into the skin.Heels and feet - for dry feet in winter, or bare sandal feet in summer, the Skinny DipCandle will help get your feet softer and smoother in no time!Massage - use a more generous portion for a therapeutic, pampering, or sensual body massage.Anywhere you skin is dry or flakey. That can be arms and legs, especially if you live in dryer climates.Would you LOVE to go Skinny Dipping?? :)The wonderful people at Skinny Dip are offering to one lucky reader of The Vaagen Family Blog a Pamper Pack! Each Pamper Pack comes with a full size Skinny Dip Candle, a single bath sized Dead Sea bath salts in same scent as candle, and a natural lip balm. You can pick your own lip balm flavor and candle scent!To enter:1. Visit the Skinny Dip site by clicking HERE, and leave a comment telling me what you love the most!2. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do.3. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do.4. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.5. Email this contest out to your friends, and copy me on it at vaagen@bellsouth.net6. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3176927070. Comment below that you did.7. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HEREThe winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Friday, August 14 at 6pm. Good luck!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!
Ladies and Gentlemen,Drop what you're doing. Take 5 minutes to enter this giveaway. You will be THRILLED when you win! The WheelyCow and WheelyBugs are premiering TODAY on Tori and Dean (http://tori-and-dean.oxygen.com/), and this giveaway was scheduled to coincide with the premier! WheelyCows and WheelyBugs retail for $79.99 plus tax on the Prince Lionheart website, but thanks to Prince Lionheart, you can WIN one from the Vaagen Family!Prince Lionheart was so generous to share their WheelyCow with my family! I believe my two year old has been on it ever since it came in the mail 2 months ago! She asks if she can sit on it to eat!This amazing ride-on toy is unlike any other I've seen!! And with 4 kids, I have seen my share of ride-on toys! I'd love to share some of my favorite things about the WheelyCow:1. The wheels GLIDE. They don't leave marks on my hardwood floors! 2. The WheelyCow is QUIET! Even when my little 4 year old rides on it... and that happens very often! No more wondering if it is thundering outside, or if the house is falling down, or if the world is ending when my girls ride through the house!!3. Easy to clean! The WheelyCow is so wonderfully easy to clean- I simply wipe it with a damp towel, and because it has a super-smooth surface, no spilled drinks get stuck in impossible-to-reach cracks... there are none!4. Happiness factor. My girls absolutely LOVE this toy. Of all their toys, this is at the top of the list. I can't help but smile when they keep it by the bottom of the stairs. They wake up in the morning, come downstairs, hop aboard the WheelyCow, and ride it straight to the breakfast table! :)Now you know MY favorite things about the WheelyCow, but let me share my daughters' favorite things about it:1. "The top is made of 'comfy squishy stuff.'" Remember, I'm passing along THEIR words, here! :) (The top is made of leather, with a soft padding underneath! It is VERY comfy!2. "It can go really fast in circles!" This toy allows them to "spin out" in one place! The wheels swivel. allowing for MUCH more fun!3. "The horns." I guess they felt like this part was self-explanatory. The horns on the front of the WheelyCow are on springs, and they wiggle like little bobble-heads! :)4. "The handle is not like normal ones." The handle bar is a semi-circle, which I love for two reasons. First, safety. My girls like to fly around on their riding toys, and they have landed across a square handle bar before, and that hurts! The WheelyCow has a soft, semi-circle handle, which would be much more comfy in that situation!Thank you SO MUCH to Prince Lionheart for allowing me to review this AND the Stroller Accessory package! I truly LOVE your products!Readers, do yourself a favor, and enter this giveaway today!To enter:1. Comment below, with your email address2. Visit the "Prince Lionheart" site by clicking HERE, and leave a comment telling me which WheelyBug or WheelyCow you like the most!3. Subscribe to this blog (enter your email address in upper right corner), and comment that you do. **SUBSCRIBERS may leave 2 comments (2 entries) stating that they subscribe! I love my subscribers! Thank you!!**4. Follow this blog (in right hand column), and comment that you do. **FOLLOWERS may leave 2 comments (2 entries) stating that they subscribe! I love my subscribers! Thank you!!**5. Become a fan of this blog on Facebook by clicking HERE, and comment that you do.6. Email this contest out to your friends, and copy me on it at vaagen@bellsouth.net7. Follow me on Twitter (vaagen) and ReTweet this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaagen/statuses/3070106224. Comment below that you did. You can do this once per day, and leave a comment each time you tweet the contest for an extra entry!!8. Favorite this blog on Technorati by clicking HERE The winner will be chosen by random drawing on http://www.random.org/integers/ on Saturday, August 15th at 6pm. Good luck!Thank you for coming to Mingle Over Mocha with Anna!