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From Fox News Sunday yesterday: (CHRIS) WALLACE: And, finally, Senator Biden — finally, we’ve got about 30 seconds left, but I can’t let you go without some politics. As we’ve mentioned, you’re in South Carolina right now, on the campaign trial. Thirty seconds or less, what kind of a chance would a Northeastern liberal like Joe [...]
You must go and read the Amazon.com Reviews for Tuscan Whole Milk.  You will not be disappointed.  Funny stuff! Caveat 1: I’m sure more reviews will be added.  They may not be as funny. Caveat 2: Some of the reviews are not appropriate for younger eyes. Caveat 3: At the time of this posting, there were 622 reviews.  [...]
Is there a word for when people misuse an acronym or abbreviation by appending to it the full word represented by the last letter? For example: PIN number or ATM machine. There are more localized examples: when I worked at Kennedy Space Center’s Bicentennial Exposition (known as “Third Century America”) immediately after high [...]
… but I am back. It’s been a hectic month — two 26′ UHauls full of stuff, packing and unpacking, a 30 year High School reunion in Florida, and a series of snafus at my new job that prevented me getting access to a computer for almost two weeks. Throw in some record [...]
Here's a pie that has made my family's short list of holiday favorites each year for the past 30, ever since I moved to New England and became a fanatical maple syrup cook.
You can expect a high number of interceptions when you pass these individual-size meatball sandwiches during halftime festivities.
The beginning of the school year is so exciting! But there may be foot-dragging when it’s time to gather for lessons, staring out the window when there should be diligent work going on, and even a little bit of whining.
Maybe you’re one of the blessed ones and all of your children pay perfect attention and are thrilled to participate in all their subjects. But if you’re like most, you have at least one student that makes completing math problems or writing a paragraph like pulling teeth. So what can you do to inspire that reluctant learner?
-by Mimi Rothschild When we think of homeschooling’s benefits, we usually think of the opportunity to provide a first-class education at much less than the cost of a typical private school, the chance each child has to work at his or her own pace and in the best way for that particular child, or the blessings [...]
-by Mimi Rothschild When an adult meets a child, it is very likely that the first question asked will be, “What grade are you in?” For our homeschool students, the answer might be, “I’m in first grade reading, fourth grade math, and everything else is second grade” or “I get to go at my own pace, and [...]
-by Mimi Rothschild Strategies for Teaching All Your Children Together Probably most of us have had days when we think it might be better for us as homeschooling parents if we just had a set of twins. Then we could do one lesson for all our kids, instead of hopping back and forth from one to another. On [...]
by Mimi Rothschild What are the experiences and opportunities that really count in building Christlike character and at the same time, can serve individual personality? How can the homeschool curriculum and homeschool program provide for such experiences and opportunities? The Christian homeschooling teacher needs not only a clear-cut purpose, but we also must know his own children very well [...]
By Mimi Rothschild The longer range goal of developing in each student a Christlike character does not intend to Terri and Joe and Johnny will all be exactly alike in 10 or 15 years, anymore than they are like now. A Christlike character is not a fix to mold into which each developing personality is to [...]
by Mimi Rothschild Maybe you’re one of the blessed ones and all of your children pay perfect attention and are thrilled to participate in all their subjects. But if you’re like most, you have at least one student that makes completing math problems or writing a paragraph like pulling teeth. So what can you [...]
-by Mimi Rothschild Children are all different. This is one of the reasons that homeschooling is such a blessing for so many families. Teaching your children at home allows you to respond to the different needs, the varied interests, and the strengths and weaknesses of each child. But there are some things that we can expect of [...]
Happy Holidays - the 2007 SCHSF Annual Letter is now posted here (http://www.schsf.org/newsletters/SCHSF_2007_Annual_Letter.pdf).
The Starfish Country Home School will provide a quality education and living environment for all of its students so that they can lead happy and productive lives. Academic excellence, individual creativity, personal responsibility and concern for others and for the environment are our goals.
At dawn an old man was walking along the beach, where thousands of starfish were stranded and lay dying because of the low tide. The man saw a little boy throwing them back into the sea. Thinking himself very wise, he said to the boy, Why are you doing that? It won’t make any difference. The boy bent down, picked up a starfish, threw it back into the sea and said, It makes a difference to this one. Modified from a parable by Loren Eisley
Here is a group photo taken May 8th, 2006 at the Starfish Country Home School near Maetang in Chiangmai province, Thailand. Subsequently, some of the children moved to the new Starfish Home in the city of Chiangmai.
The Starfish Country Home School aspires to be the best school in northern Thailand. The school will accept needy children without regard to their religious affiliation and national or ethnic origin and will provide them a quality education that emphasizes communication skills in Thai and English, technology, mathematics, visual and performing arts, international cultures and developing respect and compassion for others. The Starfish Country Home School Foundation will provide a safe and secure modern residence and personal guidance for all of its students as they mature. Those children that can achieve the required academic excellence will remain at the school until they are ready to attend university and will be further supported at university. The education will always be free, diversified and directed to meet the needs, interests and abilities of the individual student.
An Iron Age stone slab confirms that people have been into the idea of a soul for a long time.
Archaeologists discover oldest known monument in Peru.
Scientists have grown an ancient Israeli tree from an excavated seed.
Asians, not Europeans, might have been the first to invent oil painting.
Any number of different factions among the Maya may have built temples.