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The Riordan family explains why character training is important, how they use felt boards, timelines, homeschooling by boat and car, and a typical day at their house.
Mark and Leann explain the Biblical mandates for Christians to be teaching their children at home.
Dr. Elaine R. Cusker, of SUNY Buffalo's Preprofessional Health Advising Academic Advisement Center explains that some AP credit cannot be used at college and that parents should make careful considerations regarding it.
MATCH is a Christian homeschooling organization providing service and support to home educators and support groups within Missouri.
Linda explains her reasons for homeschooling her son, what it takes to educate a teen, and how to choose a curriculum.
In this Home Education Learning Magazine essay, Karen Gibson explains unschooling as trusting that your child will learn what he needs to know for his own life, in his own time frame.
Gail Withrow explains the difference between unschooling and homeschooling. Unschooling is letting the child lead and control her own education. With homeschooling the ultimate control and responsibility for education rests with the parents, not with th
Valerie Fitzenreiter's book which explains how she unschooled her daughter, Laurie Chancey, from birth to college.
Explains the DoD position on homeschooling. (January 1, 1999)
mall>[ Kids/Teens ] - Explains an easy science experiment that can be done by anyone at home and describes camps and programs for older kids, offered by this museum in Bloomington, Indiana.
Where Chemistry is taught, explained AND understood!