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Indpendent Baptist Church Web Portal
Providers of a complete, eclectic, classical approach, Pre-school through 12th grade curriculum for home educators with a reformed Christian world view.
Christian Ministry, Christian Relationships, Christian Teaching, Inductive Bible Studies.
Provides learning activities geared toward preschoolers. Includes teaching tips, story stretchers, and a guide to getting started.
New and used curriculum, learning style assessments, private tutoring, and publisher and teaching workshops.
K-12 self-teaching curriculum consisting of 22 CD-ROMs.
Since 1980 The Teaching Home has been providing homeschool families Information, Inspiration, and Encouragement from a distinctly Christian perspective!
Bi-monthly print magazine from a Christian perspective. Liberal arts instruction, teaching aids, preschool activities, science corner, recent or headline news, and curriculum reviews.
A free e-mail clearinghouse of resources for homeschoolers, teachers, and educators of all kinds.
A national quarterly publication for Christian homeschoolers. Nearly 100 pages focusing on lifestyle issues, teaching tips, suggestions, and homeschool biographies.
CD-ROM-based K-12 home school curriculum containing 250 books.
Educational activities, projects and related material for Christian homeschoolers.
Worksheet library offers 1000s of grade level k-6 standard based worksheets for all subject areas.
Sells home schooling materials, school curriculum, and teaching supplies.
The book will be very useful to parents who either homeschool or wish to introduce their children to reading in a natural way.
Free resources for parents and teachers to help children master spelling concepts. Lesson plans, free printable spelling lists, teaching tips, and remedial help.
Parents can teach their younger students through the delightful avenue of quality children's literature.
Teaching truth and engaging students to think and speak from a Biblical worldview
A step-by-step method for teaching grammar to grades 1-7. Thorough, complete, and drill-oriented homeschool program, using musical jingles to reinforce concepts.
Homeschool language arts curriculum that focuses on teaching thinking and communication skills using literature as a base. Best for grades 5+.
Free online foundational phonics classes for teaching or improving English reading skills. For homeschoolers, ESL, public and private schools.
Quality English composition, grammar, and vocabulary materials. Writing textbooks teach essays, journal writing, and creative writing.
A homeschool writing curriculum designed to teach your child the essentials of writing; including grammar, spelling, punctuation, and the special magic of using natural language.
Grammar concepts taught through a prepositional approach. Also Daily Grams workbooks for grammar review and Easy Writing to teach complex sentences.
A program that uses the writing of excellent authors to model and teach descriptive writing skills, and encourages the reading of these great works of world literature.