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Bi-monthly print magazine from a Christian perspective. Liberal arts instruction, teaching aids, preschool activities, science corner, recent or headline news, and curriculum reviews.
Provides information for parents considering homeschooling and resources for parents who have already undertaken the task.
A Catholic Curriculum provider, Kolbe does not require that the student be enrolled to take the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) offered through them.
The Brown family takes its readers on a homeschooling journey, from the decision to homeschool to what's currently being studied.
Consultant Scooter Anderson offers a service to take care of paperwork, advise, counsel, and help new homeschoolers in Clark County get started.
A website that encourages homeschoolers to take part of some wonderful field trips across the state of Missouri.
Linda explains her reasons for homeschooling her son, what it takes to educate a teen, and how to choose a curriculum.
An essay taken from Amy Bell's internet presentation, defining unschooling as children determining what they learn, when they learn, how they learn, and why they learn.
What did Charlotte Mason recommend to take the place of classroom lectures? ... Subscribe to Practical Homeschooling today, and you'll get this quality of ...
Our materials make teaching language arts and writing as productive, interesting, and stress free as possible. All of the materials are student directed so
Clear written communication is important for everyone, no matter what college or career path you choose. Mistakes with punctuation, spelling and grammar could lower school grades and limit career growth.
We are an independent vendor of materials by Rod & Staff and other publishers.
Take the 10 Minute Challenge! In 10 Minutes You Can Memorize All the Books of the Bible
Finding joy and freedom in your homeschool does not need to take years of experience, struggles, trial-and-error like it did for me.