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Christian homeschool directory combined with lessons and worksheets with a focused support to the Bible.
Resources for applying classical Christian education to homeschooling. Home to the Trivium Email Loop, an Internet Guide for homeschoolers, articles by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn, listing of national contests open to homeschoolers, seminar schedule, a gr
Encouragement for those considering it, starting out or burning out. Plan to spend some time exploring this 300-plus page site.
Advice for new homeschoolers, columns from the Miserly Mom, Catholic resources, preschool through high school activities, and information on individual states.
New homeschooling information, articles, filtered search function, and top ten lists. From a Christian perspective.
Ideas and resources for learning while in the car.
Provides unit studies, games, forum, local resources, and a weekly newsletter.
Homeschool portal including state resources, laws, information, an "Ask Julie" column, and articles.
Provides learning activities geared toward preschoolers. Includes teaching tips, story stretchers, and a guide to getting started.
Portal site with support information, getting started, articles, laws, and regional resources.
Find information on state laws, support groups, styles, laws, local resources and support for homeschooling in every state in America.
Articles, links, contests, an email list, forums, and advice all boy-specific. From a Christian perspective.
A variety of free resources for home educators, from software to unit studies. Also lists academic contests, homeschooling styles, and curriculum recommendations.
Provides worksheets, unit studies, articles, and a newsletter.
Links, statistics and information supporting the case for home schooling versus government programming.
Online warehouse of curriculum.
Independent Bible curriculum for children, 3rd to 5th grade, especially for homeschoolers.
Canadian homeschool supply providing Christian and secular curriculum.
Self-instructional curriculum, pre-K thru high school.
Textbooks, books, music, videos, and online resources for Christian education.
Discount homeschool curriculum and educational materials.
Christ-centered educational books and support materials.
Online homeschool providing a complete K-12 education.
New and used curriculum, learning style assessments, private tutoring, and publisher and teaching workshops.
Literature-based complete homeschool programs from a Christian perspective.