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Searched: Registration


Helping you get your dreams online! .COM $8.50
Registration and information page for this church school, based in Prattville but providing a legal covering for home educators throughout the whole state. Resources include record-keeping, Internet class information, support group listings, and school-r
Exists to provide quality classes for home schooled children that will enrich their overall educational experience. Class schedule, course descriptions, registration fees and processes, code of conduct, teachers and their contact information, volunteer p
Homeschool mentoring, citizenship information, voter registration, and a calendar of events for this Ft. Worth area local support group.
Registration information and suitability profiling for this virtual school.
Staff writers Nancy Trejos and Steve Vogel report on various military homeschoolers and why homeschooling is growing at a rapid rate among military personnel. Requires free registration to view. (April 6, 2000)
mall>[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Beginning with creative movement at age 5 up through professional ballet training, site has brief biographies of faculty, registration and contact information. Located in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington.