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Products to partner with you in homeschooling your children.
Providers of a complete, eclectic, classical approach, Pre-school through 12th grade curriculum for home educators with a reformed Christian world view.
The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional family values.
Keys for Kids Ministries is a children's ministry organization, offering Keys for Kids, Down Gilead Lane, and much more.
FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ, provides practical, biblical tools to strengthen marriage and family relationships, including the ...
Exists to reaffirm and promote nationally, and particularly in Washington, DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which ...
Provides unit studies, games, forum, local resources, and a weekly newsletter.
Resources, curriculum reviews, guidelines, and forums for nonreligious homeschoolers.
Advice and information, activities, product reviews, discussion boards.
Provides worksheets, unit studies, articles, and a newsletter.
Links, statistics and information supporting the case for home schooling versus government programming.
Provides learning activities geared toward preschoolers. Includes teaching tips, story stretchers, and a guide to getting started.
Canadian homeschool supply providing Christian and secular curriculum.
Literature-based complete homeschool programs from a Christian perspective.
Online homeschool providing a complete K-12 education.
Curriculum consultants in the Classical style.
Discount homeschool curriculum and educational materials.
Provides various products and programs for grades K-12.
Developmental immersion/ mastery approach to curriculum. Emphasis is on holistic learning.
Bi-monthly print magazine from a Christian perspective. Liberal arts instruction, teaching aids, preschool activities, science corner, recent or headline news, and curriculum reviews.
Since 1980 The Teaching Home has been providing homeschool families Information, Inspiration, and Encouragement from a distinctly Christian perspective!
Provides information for parents considering homeschooling and resources for parents who have already undertaken the task.
Since 1982 Basic Christian Education has provided a high-quality academic program that is permeated with the Word of God to homeschooling families in North America and beyond.
Christian family business providing personally reviewed homeschooling curriculum.
MP3s on CD, featuring RJ Rushdoony and others who profess a Biblical worldview.