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 Record Keeping (7 links)


Bi-monthly print magazine from a Christian perspective. Liberal arts instruction, teaching aids, preschool activities, science corner, recent or headline news, and curriculum reviews.
A complete reporting, record keeping, tracking and planning software system for Microsoft Windows to organize your lesson plans, assignments and reports for Windows, including planning and recording assignments, reading lists, field trip reports, attendan
Providing online reporting tools for home education minded families and their umbrella organizations, including transcripts, recordkeeping, and student records.
Registration and information page for this church school, based in Prattville but providing a legal covering for home educators throughout the whole state. Resources include record-keeping, Internet class information, support group listings, and school-r
A Wisconsin-based, Christian homeschool record keeping organization
HomeLife Academy is a church related school committed to bringing education back home.
Offers legal accountability for SC homeschoolers. Their website also provides record-keeping information and tools, as well as high school support. Located in Aiken, SC.
Offers legal accountability for SC homeschoolers. This association also provides newsletters, high school support services, transcripts, and a graduation ceremony. Located in Lancaster, SC.
Offers legal accountability for SC homeschoolers. Downloadable programs, forms, report card, and gradebook templates. Located in Summerville, SC.
Provides training through workshops, personal consultations, newsletter, and online. Services include curriculum planning and record keeping, transcript and diploma preparation, a Homeschool Women's Conference in the spring, a homeschool promotion an
is an education program dedicated to meeting the needs; spiritual, academic, and social of its members
Charlotte Mason education, California links, housekeeping skills, tea party information, domestic arts, recipes, and gentle homemaking advice from the Martinez family.
Homeschool record keeping on your computer, super simple setup. Free trial version.
Homeschool Reporting Online automates the record keeping needs of umbrella schools, homeschool groups and homeschooling families.
A Christian homeschool curriculum that is easy to use, flexible, educational and can also be used with multiple ages at the same time. Our desire is to help homeschool teachers have a successful experience from the very beginning, while keeping God's
Independent School for Colorado Homeschoolers. Record keeping services for all homeschoolers. Work with a Mentor Mom. Attend our homeschool conference.