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The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional family values.
Exists to reaffirm and promote nationally, and particularly in Washington, DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which ...
An inclusive organization, based in Alabama, whose purpose is to provide impartial information to all potential and existing home educators.
Exists to provide quality classes for home schooled children that will enrich their overall educational experience. Class schedule, course descriptions, registration fees and processes, code of conduct, teachers and their contact information, volunteer p
Working to bring homeschoolers together to protect Montana's home school freedom while maintaining the independence and autonomy of the individual families and the existing local and state organizations.
F.A.I.T.H. homeschool program exists to provide educational classes in a Biblically based teaching environment, extra curricular activities, group field trips, sports and commencement for homeschooled students in grades K-12.
exists to provide support, information, and encouragement to Northwest Arkansas homeschooling families. For those considering home education we are a hub of local information and resources.