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CD-ROM-based K-12 home school curriculum containing 250 books.
Exploration Education offers physical science curriculum with hands-on projects and experiments for K12.
Creating Easy to use curriculum since 1989
Homeschool science curriculum and activity guides for a classical approach to education.
Homeschool science curriculum for junior high students written by Ph-D level scientists that are also homeschool parents.
Science supplies and educational lab tools like microscopes, test tubes, kits, and more for grades K-12.
Materials needed to teach and learn science using the power of the internet.
Science unit study kits for grades 2 through 6. Available topics include Earth Works, Electricity and Magnetism, The Human Body, Simple Machines, Space Science, Water World, and Living Things.
Subscription science curriculum developed by Harvard graduates for children ages 4-8. Children receive personalized science kits including lessons and materials.
Learn about bridges, domes, skyscrapers, dams and tunnels. Find out the facts about large structures around the world and how they are built.
Since 1979, Evan-Moor Educational Publishers has provided teachers and educators with practical, creative, and engaging PreK-6+ educational materials in ...
Science unit study kits for grades 2 through 6. Available topics include Earth Works, Electricity and Magnetism, The Human Body, Simple Machines, Space Science, Water World, and Living Things.
Free Homeschool Science activities and experiments. Online Science curriculum. Complete science kits and curriculum include all materials, step-by-step videos and unlimited support.
Offers science instruction kits and books for both public and religious schools.
My Schoolhouse is Online Elementary Lessons & Worksheets. Lessons and Worksheets in Math, Reading, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Spelling.
We offer over 40,000 homeschooling and educational products at discount prices, while providing friendly customer service and homeschool consultants to answer your curriculum questions.
Christian, Self-paced, Online Homeschooling Courses with Customizable Curriculum
Homeschool science curriculum with simplicity, excellence, and Biblical perspective. Science Shepherd offers Biology, Chemistry, Life Science, and more .
Where Chemistry is taught, explained AND understood!
Founded in Singapore, Allschool is an innovative online platform that delivers highly interactive small-group live classes to children worldwide. Through? ...
Ignite a joy for learning science with science supplies for the classroom or homeschool. Find kits, tools, and curriculum for chemistry, biology, and more.