
FamilyNet's Family Friendly Links
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Information on Down Syndrome, genealogy, religion, pro-life feminism, politics, homeschooling, music, adoption, martial arts, ethnobotany, Bible verses in many languages, photography, fractal images, digital landscapes, and free backgrounds from Pat Golix
Homesteading, farming, cheesemaking, soapmaking, medicinal herbs, the civil war, bees, and simple living information from the Blubaugh family.
The Kramer family shares its sample daily schedule, Tai Kwan Do, recipes, guns, humor, Hebrew, and spirituality.
Read about Raven's journey to homeschooling, her rants and raves, and her Christian faith.
Police investigator and homeschooling mother, Alan and Barb provide information on Parents Instructing Challenging Children, the Lutheran church, and the University Police Department.
Join the Lande family at Windy Creek Homeschool. Ideas for homeschooling highschoolers using AP courses, college courses, and distance education. Children's newsletter, writings, and art gallery. Includes sample logs broken down by each grade level
Over a hundred pages of information and ideas on all things home schooling, including Missouri and regionally specific topics.
Franklin Creek residents Beth and Jason share their homeschooling socialization answer, annotated resource links, and her story as a burn survivor.
Nika's family is a secular science-based homeschool practicing evidence-based education with a growing socratic, non-didactic sensibility.
Homeschool information, tips for beginners, family photos, and a chronicle of the Duncan family's events.
Linda explains her reasons for homeschooling her son, what it takes to educate a teen, and how to choose a curriculum.
Experiences and recommendations from a homeschooling Christian family in northern Idaho.
Graham, Stephanie and Amber share their adventures in Boise, eBay tales, and how their homeschooling works.
Based in Lehigh Acres, but also serving Buckingham, Alva, Gateway, and the East and North Fort Myers areas, this Christian support group offers offers monthly educational meetings, cooperative classes and group activities for local homeschooling parents a
A country family's weblog about life and homeschooling.
Written for those new to homeschooling or thinking about it in the State of Florida, with an emphasis on Brevard County.
Charlotte Mason education, California links, housekeeping skills, tea party information, domestic arts, recipes, and gentle homemaking advice from the Martinez family.
Information on getting started, and schooling through the teen years from the Ugulano family.
Homeschooling curriculum support and home teacher consultation for Waldorf-inspired families and initiatives. Based in Aptos.
Musings of a grown-up unschooler.
Sarah shares her family's unschooling journey including tae kwon do, hockey, and working from home.
Secular unschooling on the Canadian Prairies. In a weblog format.
Novelist Denis Johnson uses humor to describe his family's experience unschooling.
Jan Hunt describes her philosophy of child-led learning.
One Navy family's homeschooling adventure. Includes a typical day's schedule, reasons for homeschooling, and curriculum suggestions.