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User 19 Upstream

User 19 Upstream

Site 19 Upstream Christian T Shirts 
Rank Newbie 
Member since 2012/10/24



Christian T shirts grounded in God's Word. Every 19 Upstream T shirt is based on a Bible study and comes with a Bible study reference card.

Know it. Wear it. Share it.

Here at 19 Upstream, we love God's Word!! We want to encourage others to dig in and know their Bible!

That’s why every tee shirt we create is based on a Bible study and grounded in God’s Word.  As you wear these tees, remember the Bible study and the truth they're all about.

Each tee shirt comes with a high quality, durable Bible study reference card.  These cards are perfect for keeping in your Bible or journal. Meditate on the scriptures, memorize the verses, and share the Good News of Jesus with the world around you. There’s an adventure out there!

19 Upstream – Joshua 3:13–17

The name 19 Upstream comes from Joshua 3:13-17.  

    After God delivered Israel from Egypt and led them through the wilderness for 40 years, Joshua and Israel faced  the intimidating torrents of the Jordan river where on the other side was the walled city of Jericho and the Promised Land.

    As Joshua stood on the banks of the Jordan, God told the priests to step into the rushing waters.  God promised, “as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests. . . rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off . . . and they shall stand upon an heap.” (Josh. 3:13)

    Joshua and Israel trusted God to do what He promised and they stepped out into the rushing waters.

    Joshua 3:16 says, the waters… rose up upon a heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: … and the people passed over right against Jericho.

    Historians agree that the city Adam was approximately 19 miles Upstream from where the priests were stepping out and stepping in.

    Even though the priests were facing an arguably terrifying torrent of water and the impossible task of leading a congregation of several million across a raging river, God was working out of sight, in advance, and on their behalf – 19 Upstream.

    All He asked of them was to hear His Word, believe His Word, and step out in faith based on His Word.

    And when they did, not only would He meet them with a miracle at the river but countlessadventures in faith would open up to them as they stormed into the conquest of the Promised Land.

    There’s an Adventure out There!

    19 Upstream encourages you, the believer in Jesus, to know God and what He is calling you to do through His Word.

    Knowing His Word and His will, you can step out in faith despite what might appear to be a deadly deluge.

    You can be sure that God is working out of sight, in advance, and on your behalf.

    Step out!

    As you step out and step into the Adventure out there – take us with you!

    19 Upstream wants to be a part of your great adventure as God speaks to your heart and guides your steps.  Let us know where and how God heaped the waters 19 Upstream on your behalf.

    Let the 19 Upstream tee shirts remind you of God’s great promises. Know it. Wear it. Share it.

    God’s Word is life changing!

    Know the scriptures that these tee shirts are based on, memorize the verses on the Bible study cards and encourage others to love Jesus, dig into His Word, listen and obey what He shows you through His Word, and step out into the adventure He has for your life.


    Contact us! We'd love to hear from you!

    19 Upstream


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